(S.I.L.K arc) Part 2

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Y/n was seen walking with MJ along with her former bandmates, each wearing their own militia like uniform.

Y/n: "I cannot believe that Mary Jane is the leader of a rebellion. Way off from the garage band you guys started out"

Betty: "Actually we prefer the term 'Freedom Fighters' makes us sound less like the evil bad guys"

Reaching another alleyway, MJ approached a door that blended into the side of the building and began knocking in a specific pattern.

After a while the door opened slowly allowing MJ and the others to enter. They traverse a small narrow staircase, barely lit, until they reach another door, made of steel, to which MJ knocks once again.

???: "Password?"

MJ: "Open the door or I'll shove so far up when the sun doesn't shine"

Y/n: *shocked* "Jesus Christ-"

After MJ's threat, the steel doors crank open. Y/n was then met with a sight of a bar filled with members of the 'freedom fighters', with some Y/n recognized to be low-level thugs all grouped up and having fun.

Y/n: "What is this place?"

MJ: "This, is our base of operations"

Betty: "The Bar with No Name"

Y/n: "Is it called that because..."

Gloria: "The bar doesn't have a name? Yeah"

Betty: "To be fair, The Bar with No Name sounds like a good name for a bar"

Gloria: "Only you could come up with that Bets. Speaking off..."

Betty and Gloria then turn and points their weapons at Y/n, which are followed by the rest of the tenants in the bar.

Y/n: "Seriously!?"

Gloria: "Say the word MJ and we'll pump this sicko full of lead"

MJ: "Hey! No one is pumping lead into anyone!"

Betty: "Wait, really? Then why bring him here?"

MJ sighed before signaling everyone around to stand down, in which they did, albeit a bit begrudgingly.

MJ: "I actually needed to talk to you. Alone, if you don't mind"

Betty: "Woah!"

Gloria: "MJ, you sure? For all we know this guy could be one of those things we've been fighting"

MJ: "It's okay, I trust him"

Y/n looked into MJ's soft eyes before gesturing him to follow, having a bit of fun by playfully scaring Betty before heading to another room with MJ.

When he got inside, he saw dozens of layout of the different bureau of Manhattan, some with crossed out sections. Some tables having other blueprints and some firearms along with a few bottles of alcohol and soda.

MJ: "Have a seat"

Taking Y/n out of his quick trance, MJ points to a seat that's facing a desk as she puts away her firearm and takes off her bandana.

With her hair flowing freely, MJ sits on the chair behind the desk before facing Y/n who's patiently waiting for MJ to begin the conversation.

MJ: "Drink? I figured you'd be thirsty"

Y/n: "MJ..."

MJ: "I doubt we'll have the sodas we have in your dimension but I'm sure you'll like"

Y/n: "How about you serve me a nice pint of 'Why the fuck did you bring me here?'. I know that's exactly what I want right now"

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