(Christmas in Tracksuits arc) Part 1

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In the chill of night, a woman wearing a coat can be seen sneaking around with a duffelbag and a bow. 

Reaching a locked door, the woman goes to her pockets and pull out a set of lock picks before leaning over to the lock and beginning to pick the door open. 

Only to come up unsuccessful.

???: "Ugh! Come on"

Sighing in defeat, the woman opted to ditch her coat, revealing a purple archery suit. Once she set aside her coat, the woman begins to scale up the side of the building, letting out a few efforting grunts until she managed to reach the top. 

As soon as she arrived at the top, the woman drops her bag before crouching near the edge of the roof to overlook a school campus. 

Inside the duffelbag, the woman's phone began to vibrate, indicating an incoming call. As she opens her bag, the woman takes out her phone seeing a caller I.D of Greer and answers the call before putting it on speaker. 

Greer's voice: "Kate, be careful..."

The woman, now known as Kate, places the phone in her opened bag, showing a patch with a green spider logo.

Greer's voice: "If we get caught, you're definitely getting kicked off the archery team"

Kate: "Yeah, I know. But a bet, is a bet, Greer"

Standing up from her crouched position, Kate starts off by taking off her gloves before observing her target of interest. A bell inside a bell tower.

Kate: "Okay, so the real question. Does the bell swing back and forth or the dangly thingy in the middle swing back and forth?"

Another voice then interjects in the call.

Greer's friend: "It's obviously the bell"

Kate: "See? I would disagree. i think it's the dangly thingy"

Kate then reached into her pocket and took out a tape to tape two of her fingers. 

Greer's voice: "Nice outfit by the way, Kate"

Kate: "Yeah, well..."

Once geared up, Kate reached for her bow before heading to her bag where she had taken out an arrow with a tennis ball at the tip.

Kate: "Sometimes you gotta dress the part"

Now armed, Kate loads her bow before pulling back the string and taking aim.

Greer's friend: "I know it's a bet...but are you sure that arrow won't damage it?"

Kate: "...No?"

As she built up the proper amount of tension, Kate lets go of the string, letting the arrow soar the sky until it reached its target where the arrow bounced off the surface of the bell.

Greer's voice: "Well...that was a bit of a letdown"

Kate: "Okay, you know what, just hang on...Just let me fix this. Give me a second"

Taking out another tennis ball arrow, Kate modifies the arrow by attaching a metal hook on the end before taking aim once again. This time, instead of aiming for the bell, Kate raises his sights further before firing, sending the arrow flying in an arc as to fly through the window before attaching to the rope in the middle of the bell, allowing for a loud ring to emit from the tower.

Kate: *amazed* Oh-ho-ho my God! That was AMAZING! Wow!"

Greer's voice: "Nice, Kate!"

After a quick cheer, Kate crouches down and begins to pack up, only for a sickening sound to emit from the bell tower, causing her to take a quick pause and look back. 

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