(TVA arc) Part 7

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I began to relish in the breeze as I soar across the city, finally being able to use my Web-shooters to swing feels refreshing.

Y/n: "Ahh, I will never forsake you again web-swing"

At the apex of my swing, I jump as high as I could, performing flips and tricks in mid-air before shooting another web as I swing to the edge of the city.

After performing one more air trick, I roll out of my swing before scanning around.

Y/n: "Now where should I go now?"

In the distance I see a massive storm cloud consuming a piece of land in the distance. Squinting my eyes, I could see that the cloud has a face similar to a skull with menacing red eyes. The cloud then roars, causing a chill to run down my spine.

Y/n: "Okay, avoid the menacing dark cloud"

But before I could take my eyes to go look somewhere else, I caught a glimpse of a small figure fending off the beast, looking as close as I get, I saw that it was none other than Sylvie trying to fend for her life.

Y/n: "Ahh, shit...and in an open field as well"

Looking around once again, I spot a seemingly untouched Dodge Charger conveniently parked a few feet away from me.

Y/n: "I always wanted to hotwire Dom's car!!"

I now sat in the driver seat of the Charger as I speed my way to Sylvie who now began to run away from the cloud.

I promptly honk my vehicle, gaining Sylvie's attention as I pull on the e-brake and whip the steering wheel to the side. This caused the car to spin around, performing donuts, before drifting to a stop as I open the passenger door for Sylvie.

Y/n: "Get in!"

Sylvie quickly dove into the car as I slammed on the gas, launching the vehicle forwards as we were now driving away from the big menacing cloud of possible death.

Y/n: "What the hell is that thing?"

Sylvie: "I don't know, but whatever it is, it's devouring anything it could get its hands on here in the void"

Okay, make that CERTAIN death.

I then shifted gears, covering more distance from the cloud monster, only for it to speed up as well.

Sylvie: "Can't this thing go any faster!?"

Looking down, I notice a valve near the bottom of my seat.

Y/n: "As a matter-a-fact, it can"

Turning the valve, I look around for some sort of switch and placed my finger over it.

Y/n: "Better hold on to your seat"

With one flick of the switch and a button press that was near the console, the engine seemed to overclock, giving it a tremendous boost of speed, enough to leave the cloud in the dust.

Y/n: "WOO-HOOO!!!!!"

With the speed of the vehicle taking over, I failed to notice a large upward landmass coming up, causing Sylvie and I to be taken by surprise as the car suddenly shoots up, sending us hovering over our seats as the vehicle soars through the sky.

With a large air time, we land roughly on the ground, causing the car to skid across the dirt ground before continuing to drive normally.

Sylvie: "Where did you learn to drive!?"

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