(A Very Spidey Vaca-ture arc) Part 4

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Nick: "So good to finally meet you. I missed you at Tony's retirement party"

Y/n: "I didn't know he HAD a retirement party, must've still been passed out by then"

Nick: "I'll bet. The important thing is, you're here. I tried to bring you here. You avoided me, and now you're here. What a coincidence"

Y/n: "Is it though?"

Peter, who was still stuck to the wall, chimes in.

Peter: "Wait, You avoided Nick Fury!?"

Y/n: "No, I BLOCKED Nick Fury. He wouldn't admit it, but I just sent him a voice mail and now he's pissed"

Nick: "Back on topic-"

Peter: "Wait, how did you know he was gonna call you?"

Y/n: "Happy gave me a heads up after my opening speech in the F.E.A.S.T ceremony. Speaking of Happy, did you notice anything strange going on between him and May?"

Peter: "Hm...now that I think about it, he does seem to be more present than he used to be before the blip. That could be the-"

Another tranquilizer dart flies through the air and towards Peter's neck, only to be intercepted by Y/n as he shoots a web to the projectile and sticks it to the wall beside Peter.

Nick: "I am not just gonna sit here while you two have a conversation like I'm not even here"

Y/n: "Then just get to the point, cyclops. Why ARE you here?"

Nick: "...I used to know everything. Then I came back five years later, and now I know nothing. No intel, no team. And a high school kid is dodging my calls"

Y/n: "Blocked. I blocked your calls..."

Nick then glares at Y/n.

Y/n: "I'll shut up now"

Nick: "Here's what I do know..."

Fury then placed a device down on the coffee table, projecting a globe along with points with specific reports on that specific area.

Nick: "A week ago, a village in Mexico was wiped out by a cyclone. Witnesses say that the cyclone had a face. Three days later, a similar event in Morocco. A village was-"

A knock on the door quickly cuts Fury off as Mr. Harrington peaks into the room.

Harrington: "Just making the rounds. See if anyone needs any counseling after today's traumatic events"

Y/n: "Oh, perfect timing. I was just checking up on Peter, how are we feeling there buddy?'

Peter: "Oh, I'm fine. Just, you know...hanging around"

Harrington: "Great because I'm not qualified to do it anyway, so good night"

Y/n: "Oh, Mr. Harrington. Is it cool if I crash here? At least until morning?"

Nick: *mutters* "Hurry. UP!"

Harrington: "You sure? It's gonna get pretty cramped in there"

Y/n: "It's fine. I'll just sleep on the ceiling"

Harrington: "Haha! What are you Spider-man?"

Mr. Harrington chuckles before shutting the door.

Y/n: "...You have no idea...Anyways, you were saying?"

Nick: "A village was destroyed by what may well be another world-threatening-"

MJ's voice: *muffled*  "Peter? You still awake?"

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