(A Very Spidey Vaca-ture arc) Part 5

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Y/n can be seen on the floor, the blonde agent remaining on his lap as MJ increases the intensity of her glare.

MJ: "So, Y/n...is this one of you and Peter's little, 'Vaca-ture'"

Y/n: "Okay, MJ. I know this looks bad-"

MJ: "Oh it's looking worse the more I look at it"

Y/n: "But I swear to you, I don't even know this woman!"

Blonde Agent: "There is no time for idle chit-chat. We need to proceed"

Y/n: "Can you like, stop talking!? You're making this worse than it needs to be"

MJ: "Oh, Peter's so getting an earful out of this"

MJ then storms off, prompting Y/n to push the agent off of him before going after MJ.

Y/n: "MJ, wait!"

Y/n then skids to a stop before he can exit the room, remembering the current state of his attire.

Y/n: "Do you have a spare t-shirt or a jacket I could use?"

The agent then grabbed a leather jacket before tossing it over to Y/n.

Y/n: "Thanks. Oh, and tell Fury I don't need a new suit. I'll figure something out"

Throwing the jacket over his torn outfit, Y/n boarded the bus before continuing the trip.

Throughout the ride, Y/n began to glance at Peter who now sat beside MJ, who holds his hand firmly.

Soon the bus arrived in Prague where the class was brought through the rotating doors of a luxury hotel. Complete with marble floors and golden trimmings and decor.

Classmate #1: "Whoa, freaking beautiful"

Classmate #2: "This is amazing"

Betty: "Wow, this place is so classy"

Gloria: "You can say that again"

Betty: "Wow, this place is so classy"

Classmate #3: "Yeah, so why are we here?"

Flash: "Speak for yourself. I'm home"

Harrington: "What can I say? The squeaky wheel gets the upgrade grease. Everyone gets settled, and rest up because tonight, big surprise is Prague's annual Carnival of Lights"

Mr. Harrington then presents the class with a poster advertising the upcoming event that will take place.

Y/n then felt his phone vibrate. Walking away from the group, Y/n takes out his phone to find another unknown number trying to contact him.

Peter: "Hey..."

Seeing Peter approach, Y/n declines the call before putting his phone away.

Y/n: "Wassup?"

Peter: "Sorry I couldn't sit with you. MJ put me on a tight leash all of a sudden"

Y/n: "Don't worry about it. Say, had she said anything to you throughout the rest of the trip?"

Peter: "No. Why?"

Y/n: "No reason. No reason at all"

Peter: "So... we're here in Prague. Anything that we should keep in mind?"

Y/n: "Oh, you know. Just the usual, fireworks, screaming, life-threatening situations"

Peter: "Seriously!? What are we gonna do?"

MJ: "Peter!"

MJ calls out to Peter from across the lobby before beckoning him over to her side.

Y/n: "Look, all you need to know is I'll deal with it"

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