(A Very Spidey Christmas arc) Part 12

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Y/n now stood atop the Statue of Liberty, face-to-face with The Iron Emperor as he retracted his suit into his formal suit.

Y/n Stark: "I never got the chance to thank you..."

Y/n: "Trust me. What I could do with this box is not something you should be thanking"

Y/n Stark: "I was talking about my Fa-...I was talking about Tony Stark"

Y/n: "So that's where you stole the suit"

Y/n Stark: "If we're being technical, he gave it to me"

Y/n: "Seriously!?"

Y/n Stark: "Besides the point...This universe has given me a chance that I never thought was possible. A chance at a proper goodbye"

Y/n: "Yeah, yeah..."

Y/n then haphazardly tosses the Macchina de Kadavus off the statue, which was then caught by The Cloak of Levitation before being brought over to Peter and Gwen who had opened a portal for them to receive the box.

Y/n: "Now that you've given your thanks. Can we go back to killing each other now?"

Y/n Stark: *scoff* "You know something..."

Iron Emperor then begins to conjure his suit, morphing through his suit before encasing him in his armor.

Iron Emperor: "I'm starting to like you. More than ol' glitchy"

Y/n: "Glad to hear I'm liked by the fan club"


With Iron Emperor fully suited up, he rockets forward as Y/n charged forward. Right as they were to clash in the middle, Y/n managed to kickboard off of Iron Emperor's armor before angling down and delivering a downward web-pull-aided ground punch.

This causes Y/n's fist to crash down into Iron Emperor's suit as he is sent through the statue.

Gwen: "Alright, Peter. Time to close the portal"

Peter: "Yep, on it"

He tries to close it in an overly dramatic way, but it doesn't. He tries again and fails again.

Gwen: "Peter...it's not closing"

Peter: "Yeah, I know"

Gwen: "Why isn't it closing?"

Peter: "Can you let me concentrate? It's harder than it looks"

Gwen: "Did you close it before?"

Peter: "I mean...No? So far I've managed to open portals, not so much closing them"

Having broken free from Mysterio's hold, Prime Y/n can now be seen swinging around the Statue of Liberty as he dodges several beams of mystic energy from a squad of Mysterio copies.

Prime Y/n: "His tech has improved since the last we've fought!"

Prime Y/n then glitches out of place, disappearing in time to dodge a sequential attack from the Mysterio copies.

He then reappears in another location and web-strikes a copy, causing it to dissipate in a cloud of smoke. This causes the copies to revert to him as the cloud morphs into two more copies of Mysterio as they fly after Y/n once again.

Prime Y/n: "Okay...that made it worse. Gotta need some help containing him!"

In a separate fight, Matured Y/n can be seen being pinned down as he wrestles being chomped by The Lizard.

Matured Y/n: *strained* "Yeah, I'm kinda...Preoccupied...at the moment!"

The Lizard then goes to swipe at Y/n, prompting him to duck to the side which causes him to accidentally put himself in a corner.

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