(Friend or Foe arc) Part 3

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Y/n is seen in his Pajamas, walking down the stairs and into the kitchen where Aunt May is seen in the kitchen washing dishes.

May: "Good Morning"

Y/n: "Mornin'"

May: "Food's by the table, help yourself"

Y/n: "Thanks. Did you see Peter by any chance?"

May: "He went out early to go meet with Harry, remember?"

Y/n: "Oh, right..."

Y/n walks over to the cabinet and grabbed himself a plate before heading to the dining table.

May: "Oh, almost forgot. Could you sign that paper by the counter?"

Y/n: "Sure..."

Y/n was still a little sleepy without food and mindlessly placed his signature at the bottom of the paper without bothering to read what was on it.

After signing the paper, Y/n grabbed a plateful of breakfast before digging in, waking him up instantly. Once the food had teleported to his stomach, Y/n stood up and placed the dishes in the sink.

May: "So how was it?"

Y/n: "Delicious, as always. Need any help?"

May: "No, it's okay. I got it"

Y/n: "You sure?"

May: "Yeah. Besides, don't you have other plans for the day?"

Y/n: "You know I can drop everything just to help you"

May: "I know, that's why I want you to not help me. This day and the days after are for you, so do whatever. I'll be fine, don't worry"

Y/n: "Alright, just call if you need okay?"

May then nods with a smile before continuing to do the dishes as Y/n heads back up to his room to shower and change into his outdoor wear.

Y/n: "Now, the question is...Who could I hang out with?"

Plopping onto his bed, Y/n begins scrolling through his contact list, he noticed that not a lot were saved on his phone. Majority of these were the Avenger's phone numbers.

Y/n: (Probably shouldn't call them, since the whole Accords thing)

Y/n then scrolls to his friend's numbers, only to be undecided on who to call.

Y/n: (They might be out doing their own thing, best not to disturb any of them)

Scrolling through the end of his contact list, Y/n had come upon one phone number that he had blocked. The only number that he had blocked.

Y/n: (Yeah, not gonna even bother texting HER)

With seemingly no one to talk to, Y/n drops his cell phone beside him before placing an arm over his head.

Y/n: *sigh* "I need more friends"

Seeing as he has nothing better to do, Y/n decides to don his Spider-man suit before jumping out the window and beginning patrolling.

Swinging through the city of Manhattan, Y/n continues his role as the friendly-neighborhood Spider-man. Saying hi to the locals, helping the elderly walk across the street, even hanging out with a few teenagers his age, anything to try and keep himself occupied. 

Soon, while swinging around the city, he manages to catch a woman falling to the floor, causing the bag in her hands to fall and scatter across the sidewalk. Y/n drops down to the street and proceeds to help the woman up to her feet.

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