(Friend or Foe arc) Part 1

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In a private Helipad on the Oscorp tower in the middle of the night, a Helicopter is seen flying down with the Oscorp logo displayed on the side. 

As the Helicopter descends on the landing pad, a butler is seen standing to the side of whoever is inside. The butler didn't have to wait long as the Helicopter had just landed, and out from the passenger side, a teenager with styled brown hair steps out in a high-profile suit with a glass of champagne at hand. 

Butler: "How was your stay in Europe, Mr. Osborn?"

Mr. Osborn: "It was alright. A few photoshoots here and there, the usual"

Drinking the rest of his champagne, the teen walks to the butler, now known as Bernard, and they make their way inside the building. 

Mr. Osborn: "And how long have you served my family? You have all the right to call me Harry"

Bernard: "Of course. However, it doesn't seem ethical when in public. I'm sorry"

Harry: "You are pardoned"

As Bernard went to get the door, Harry runs up first and opens the door for the elderly butler, much to his dismay. The two then continue inside the building, passing by a few scientists along the way.

Bernard: "So what brings you back to the States, Harry?"

Harry: "I kept hearing something interesting is going on back home, so I came to see what it was about"

Harry and Bernard then pass by a couple of display rooms. The first room displayed scientists experimenting with a power armor's strength and durability, as shown by a test user wearing the suit as he lifts a heavy truckload while getting shot by Oscorp-made turrets. 

Another display then shows a cloaking device and the other displays a test with their new emergency tool through the harshest conditions.

Harry: "So Bernard, what exactly did I miss while I was away"

Bernard: "A lot sir, to be frank. However, 1 thing seems to be a constant"

Bernard then grabs a tablet that he has been keeping and gives it to Harry, who inspects it with great interest. The tablet then shows news articles talking about Spider-man along with some close-up images of his costume. 

Harry: "Interesting..."

Bernard: "Little is known about this person's identity. He patrols the city saving citizens, a vigilante of sorts. They call him-"

Harry: "Spider-man..."

Harry focuses on an old article from the Daily Bugle titled 'Spider-man or  Spider-menace' with Spider-man's logo in red with a black background being the first image shown by said article.

Harry: "Yes, this is very interesting..."

Harry then sets the tablet on a nearby table before turning to Bernard.

Harry: "Arrange a meeting with this, so-called 'Spider-man'. I want to meet him in person"

Bernard: "Umm...Pardon me, Harry. But I'm afraid the company doesn't know Spider-man's phone number, I also have a feeling that he might not be interested in meeting anyone here. He isn't very fond much of publicity"

Harry: "Nonsense, just flash a good stack in his face and he's good as ours. Besides..."

Harry's eyes then linger on the spider logo that remained on the tablet.

Harry: "Who can say no to money?"

He then focuses on the Spider logo on the tablet, seeing it get progressively larger until it gets to a certain size. 

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