(Training and Tinkering arc) Part 13

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Miles and Phin stood in front of one another, both demasked, both battered and dusted from their recent altercation.

Phin: "You...you're..."

Slowly, Phin began to step back as Miles continued to remain neutral in his position.

Miles: "Yeah...I'm Spider-man"

Phin: *scoff* "Helluva way to tell me you're SPIDER-MAN! I could've killed you!!?"

Miles: "Are you seriously making me feel bad for almost killing ME!?"

Phin: "I want you to stop LYING to ME!!!"

Miles: "Well then I'm sorry!"

Phin: *deep breath* "I let you into The Underground because I thought you understood"

Miles: "I do...What Krieger did to Rick...Roxxon needs to pay, but not like this!"

Phin: "This is the only way we could beat him!!"


Phin then summons her mask and in a fit of rage, launches a group of large razor-sharp saws towards Miles. 

Thwipping a couple of webs to the ceiling, Miles pulls himself in the air to dodge the hazardous blades.

Miles: "Death wheels! Okay!"

Miles was then ensnared once again which was followed up with a sword thrust from Phin. Sensing this, Miles jumps over the attack before kickboarding on her shoulders.

Tinkerer: "Why won't you just look the other way!!?"

Using his venom blast in combination with his enhanced strength, Miles breaks off from the snare before looking at the mask that is in his hand.

Miles: "Because I can't. I need to prove to someone that I have what it takes to be a hero!"

Conjuring her canon, Phin shoots a blast in Miles's direction, prompting him to jump away before web-striking over to Phin to deliver a beatdown.

Miles: "Out of everyone I knew, He's the first person to believe in me!"

Performing a parry, Tinkerer swapped her blade for her gauntlets to punch Miles, only to strike the air as he was nowhere to be seen.

Miles's voice: "He showed me what I could achieve as Spider-man. Who I could inspire. TO SAVE!"

Miles then appears and Venom punches Phin to the other side of the room, breaking more of her contraptions along with it.

Miles: "So I made a promise to myself. To make him see that I could be worthy of my title as Spider-man, just as he had fought to prove his own for Himself!"

Phin: "But why...what makes HIM so special that causes you to give him so much admiration!?"

Miles: "Because he's the type of person I want to be. Even when he's fighting his OWN battles, he's believing in me. I can't afford to fail him, but even with the fear of his disappointment, nothing is greater than his belief in others. Like how I believe in YOU Phin, maybe even greater"

Tinkerer then takes down her mask as a single tear flows down her eye.

Phin: "Miles..."

Miles: "Please Phin. What more do you want to see that I'm trying to save you!?"

Suddenly, Y/n crashes through the wall and lands in the middle of Miles and Phin.

Miles: "Y/n!"

Phin: "Y/n!!?"

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