(A Very Spidey Christmas arc) Part 11

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Inside Tony's cabin in the woods, Tony can be seen inside Morgan's bedroom as he finishes tucking in his daughter.

Tony: "You done? Yeah, now you are"

Tony wipes Morgan's lips and pushes her head onto her pillow.

Tony: "That face goes there"

Morgan: "Tell me a story"

Tony: "A story... Once upon a time, Maguna went to bed. The end"

Morgan: *giggles* "That's a horrible story"

Tony: "Come on, that's your favorite story"

Tony kisses Morgan on the forehead.

Tony: "I love you tons"

Morgan: "I love you 3000"

Unknown to them, a figure can be seen hiding amongst the trees as they spy on the family through their visor. 

Tony: *mutters* "Wow..."

Tony then stands, turning off Morgan's lamp before heading to the door.

Tony: *mutters* "3000. That's crazy"

Right as Tony was about to leave, Tony bids Morgan goodnight one more time.

Tony: "Go to bed. Or I'll sell all your toys"

Tony then shuts the door behind him.

Tony's voice: *muffled* "Night, night"

Once they had finished their exchange, the figure turned to leave. 

Only to receive a repulsor blast to the chest. 

This sends the figure into the open, taken by surprise by the sudden attack. The moonlight then illuminates the open area in which the figure now stands, revealing the notorious armor of Y/n Stark. 

???: "I'm gonna ask you this once..."

The assailant slowly walks into the open, revealing themselves to be Pepper Potts donning her Rescue armor, repulsors trained and charged up as they point directly at The Iron Emperor. 

Y/n: "I know how this may feel. But I promise, I mean no harm"

Tony: "You better"

The Iron Emperor turned around and saw Tony walking down the steps as he approached the open field.

Y/n: *mutters* "Father..."

Tony: "You know, I just put Morgan to bed. Those noises you two made, definitely woke her up"

Y/n: "As I've said..."

The Iron Emperor removed himself from his armor, revealing himself to Tony and Pepper.

Pepper: "Oh, Y/n. It's just you"

Y/n: "Yes...Sorry, for the scare"

Pepper: "I nearly blasted you, why didn't you just call?"

Y/n: (Now how would he act in this scenario?)

Y/n: "...Surprise~"

Y/n closes with him shaking his hand with mild excitement. Before the discussion could continue, Pepper and Tony saw the light in Morgan's room was turned on.

Tony: "Not it!"

Pepper: *sigh* "And here I thought we were done with the whole Iron Man thing..."

Tony: "We are. This is just some, last-minute guidance"

Pepper: "Right...I'll go put Morgan to sleep"

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