(Training and Tinkering arc) Part 12

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Swinging through the city, the sun had now set on Manhattan and as arranged the blocks surrounding the perimeter of Roxxon Plaza were littered with Underground Goons as they began to battle Roxxon soldiers throughout the streets.

Streets that the civilians can be found panicking as they get caught in the middle of the crossfire.

Amidst the snow and gunfire, Y/n and Miles could be seen performing a web-strike as they make quick work of both parties with their repertoire of veno blast techniques, clearing one of many gunfights happening around the city.

Miles: "Phin and Rick might already be at the plaza by now"

Y/n charged up his fist with venom energy before punching a Roxxon soldier to the roof of a building. 

Y/n: "At this rate, if we swing to every fight, we might not make it in time to stop them"

Miles: "If only we had some extra help"

On cue, a motorcycle could be heard in the distance. Turning to the sound, they saw Aaron donning his Prowler suit in his motorcycle, performing a ramp jump before drifting to a stop in front of the two spiders.

Aaron: "Someone call for backup?"

Miles: "Uncle Aaron!"

Aaron: "I'll deal with these schmoes. You guys take care of Tinkerer for me"

Y/n: "We'll see you when this is over"

With a thwip of their webs, Y/n and Miles swung over to the plaza as Aaron drove off to the next gunfight.

The Tinkerer and New-Form walk into Roxxon Plaza with their charged Nuform in hand as they make their way to the reactor.

Miles: "Wait!"

Turning around, Tinkerer and New-Form looked to see Miles and Y/n land behind them.

Miles: "Whatever you do, do NOT put that Nuform in the reactor"

New-Form scoffs but decides to humor Miles's warning.

New-Form: "And why should we listen to you?"

Miles: "Krieger messed with the specs. You put that Nuform in, you won't just take down Roxxon Plaza, but all of Harlem along with it"

New-Form: *chuckle* "Well, that may be an interesting theory...but Krieger has taken too much from me to not continue with my plan"

Miles: "Ri- New-Form, just please listen-"

New-Form: "Enough!"

Enraged, New-Form sends a blast between Miles and Y/n separating the two.

New-Form: "Tinkerer, make quick work of our... friends"

Tinkerer: "Yes, New-Form"

Conjuring her gauntlets, Tinkerer began to blitz Miles, tackling him to the ground before hurling him towards Roxxon's building and jumping after him. 

As Tinkerer went to deal with Miles, New-Form went and continued his way to the reactor and went to put the Nuform in, only for him to be locked out remotely. 

Confused he looked around, only to look back and see that Y/n was still standing behind him, hand on his hip as he held out his phone.

Y/n: "Now that I've locked you out. Why don't we just talk like parental guardians while those 2 make puppy love?"

New-Form: *chuckles* "You really thought I was here to blow up the Nuform?"

Confused, Y/n stood upright as New-Form turned to him fully. With the Nuform capsule still in his possession, New-Form placed it on his back before turning the valve. 

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