1, 𝙛𝙞𝙣𝙖𝙡𝙡𝙮 𝙗𝙖𝙘𝙠

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ೄྀ࿐ 𓆉 ˊˎ-finally back real life, social media

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ೄྀ࿐ 𓆉 ˊˎ-
finally back
real life, social media

"violet are you all packed!" violet heard her mom yell from downstairs.

"yes!" she yelled back.

violet looked down at her suitcase that was practically busting at the seams from how much she had packed.

violet heard her phone ring from her dresser. she picked it up seeing a group facetime from belly and taylor.

"hi v," belly said as violet joined the call.

"hi belly , hi tay." violet said as she laid back on her bed.

"i can't believe your both leaving me for the summer," taylor said with a groan.

"your coming to visit for my birthday!" belly said with a laugh.

violet had her window rolled down as why by dominic fike played loudly through the car speakers.

she was running her hand through the wind while her brother drove and her mom was sat in the backseat.

"i'm so tired can you drive?" miles asked her while turning the radio down.

"fine but don't turn down mr fike," violet said while turning the radio back on loudly.

violets car pulled into the driveway to the fisher beach house. she quickly got out and ran towards conrad taking him into a huge hug.

the two pulled away as they took in each other's appearances after not seeing each other for a year.

"no more glasses?" she said ruffling his hair.

"no longer a nerd," he said with a laugh.

"i missed you," she said smiling at him.

"i always miss you more," he said smiling back at her.

the two were interrupted when she heard someone yell her name.

"v where's my hug?" she turned around seeing jeremiah.

she embraced him into a big huge. she took in his scent..cologne but with a slight hint of coconut she almost couldn't describe it.

she pulled away and gave him a bright smile.

"even cuter than last summer," she teased.

"stop," he said ruffling her hair.

jeremiah gave her a smile before he went to greet miles. violet turned around as she spotted belly. belly had already been waiting for violet with a smile on her face.

"belly!!" violet said hugging her.

"i missed you so much!" belly said into the hug.

"i missed you!" violet said when she pulled away.

the pair being interrupted by the boys all coming towards them.

"uh oh i think it's time for a...belly flop!" they all yelled while jeremiah and steven grabbed violet and conrad and miles grabbed belly and ran towards the pool.

"stop jere!! steven i swear!!" violet yelled.

before she could yell anymore she had been thrown into the pool. she came up for to the surface of the water and looked over at belly with a laugh before splashing the boys that stood on the side of the pool laughing.


violetcollins finally back :)

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violetcollins finally back :)

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isabelconklin so happy to be back!
violetcollins <3

jeremiahfisher missed you!!
violetcollins missed you more

stevenconklin get off ur phone we're at dinner 🙄
violetcollins shut up

milescollins ur ugly
violetcollins i'll drown u.



i'm actually really excited for this book

- lia <3

𝐮𝐧𝐟𝐨𝐫𝐠𝐞𝐭𝐭𝐚𝐛𝐥𝐞 𝐬𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐞𝐫, jeremiah fisher Where stories live. Discover now