51, 𝗲𝘅𝗮𝗰𝘁𝗹𝘆 𝘄𝗵𝗮𝘁 𝗵𝗲 𝗱𝗲𝘀𝗲𝗿𝘃𝗲𝗱

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ೄྀ࿐ 𓆉 ˊˎ-exactly what he deserved real life, social media

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ೄྀ࿐ 𓆉 ˊˎ-
exactly what he deserved
real life, social media

gossip girl played loudly on the tv across from violets bed.

after her talk with her mom she decided she wanted to be alone and so she had excused herself to her room and left the rest of them downstairs.

she was texting noah and chris instead of paying attention to the show.

she smiled at her phone until a knock on the door interrupted her.

she got up and opened the door, behind it stood jeremiah.

violet rolled her eyes and shook her head "no."

"violet please, can we just talk?" he asked.

"jeremiah i really don't want to hear anything you have to say" she said as she turned and let him into her room.

yes she did. she wanted to hear him beg for her back. not saying she wanted him back or anything, she just wanted to hear how miserable he was without her.

"your little taylor swift caption spoke for itself" she said closing the door behind her and turning around to look at him.

"yeah so did yours" he said as he sat down on her bed.

"can you hurry this up, i have better things to do" she said.

"like what text your new boyfriend? i'm sorry boyfriends plural since that seems to be your kind of thing lately" he said.

she couldn't even be mad at him. her lips turned into a smile and she tried her hardest to hold back a laugh. she wanted to piss him off and it was working.

"yeah my two boyfriends treat me better than you ever did, incase you were curious" she said staring down at him.

"look violet i'm sorry, i really am. i regret what i did to you so much, i was drunk okay and you were gone and all the stuff with my mom it was just really getting to me. i haven't been in the right head space lately and i've let it consume me. i love you violet, more than anything in this world and you know that. please come back home, we don't have to be together and you don't have to forgive me just please don't shut everyone out and move away" he ranted to her.

"do i know that though? because i don't think you cheat on someone you love so badly. i'm not shutting anyone who doesn't deserve it out. they all knew and no one told me. and your right, we don't have to be together because we won't, you ruined any chance of that and i'm not forgiving you. now i think you should go" she said.

he stared up at her. his eyes tearing up. exactly what he deserved.

he stood up and walked towards the door but before he opened it he turned around to look at her. her back was towards him so he couldn't see the tears falling down her face.

"i really do love you violet, i won't stop until i fix this mess i've created. please know that" he said.

she had to make him leave. he had to leave. or she'd forgive him and fall right back into his trap again.

"just go jeremiah" she said.

so he opened the door and quietly closed it behind him.

as soon as she heard the door shut she let her sobs out. her face streaming with tears and her makeup now running.

she got into her bed and covered herself with the blankets. sobbing to herself as gossip girl continued to play faintly now.

eventually she fell asleep. she felt so pathetic. how is she still letting jeremiah hurt her? she was so much better than that.

when she woke up the next morning her eyes were puffy and she had mascara stains down her cheeks.

her phone ringing blocked her reflection.

"hi baby!" serena yelled as her face came onto the screen.

"hey s" violet said as she tried to clean herself up to look more presentable on the facetime.

"oh baby what's wrong?" serena asked pouting.

"it's a really long story" violet said.

"good thing i have time"


violetlikes2spam sad girl playlist on repeat

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violetlikes2spam sad girl playlist on repeat

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serenanogossipgirl i love u
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hayitsnoah sending u sm love
violetlikes2spam love u noah

chris.andyy come home :(
violetlikes2spam brb omw

jackyjack miss partying w u
violetlikes2spam save a drink for me

madilol love u bae
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connielol 💖

bellybutton 💞


so did that clear anything up????

- lia <3

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