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ೄྀ࿐ 𓆉 ˊˎ-promise real life, social media

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ೄྀ࿐ 𓆉 ˊˎ-
real life, social media

it was raining in new york once again. violet had gotten off her plane 20 minutes ago and was now holding a pink drink from starbucks and her headphones still in just blasting taylor swift songs instead of her old 80s music.

her hair was up in a messy bun and her makeup was smudged from all the sleep she just got on her flight. she was wearing grey sweatpants and a black hoodie with the words "new york" printed in baby blue on the front along with her beat up white air forces.

she pulled her suitcase along through the giant airport, her eyes searching for chris through the crowd of people.

it was a fairly short flight considering new york and boston are close so it was only 6am. she was surprised chris even wanted to get her from the airport at this time.

her eyes finally locked with the fluffy haired blonde as he ran towards her. she took her headphones off as she wrapped her arms around him.

they stayed like this for a while. just standing there in each others embrace. small giggles being heard from the other every few seconds.

finally violet pulled away and looked at him.

he had a big smile on his face, his hair was messy and his eye bags were dark. he had on plaid pajama pants and a grey hoodie with some random nikes he always wore. it was obvious he had just rolled out of bed.

"i missed you so much" she said.

"i missed you more, come on let's go. we can go back to mine and sleep for a few before you go home later" he said grabbing her hand and leading her outside towards his car.

he opened the door to the white bmw for her to get inside. he took her suitcase and put it in the trunk. and a few seconds later he rounded the car to his side and got in.

he looked over at her as he strapped his seatbelt and started the car. she was already looking at him as if she was asking permission to connect to aux.

"you don't have to ask me to play taylor swift" he said.

ugh he knew her so well.

paper rings played soft over the radio speakers. a mix of taylor's voice and the rain falling onto the windshield was perfect enough. almost as if it were written in a book. or so violet thought.

chris grabbed her hand and held it as he looked over at her when they stopped a red light.

he mouthed the words along with her.

god he was so perfect. he knew taylor swift lyrics and he was singing them to her on a rainy car ride i mean come on???

they finally arrived at chris apartment, violet sat her half full drink down on the table along with her backpack.

𝐮𝐧𝐟𝐨𝐫𝐠𝐞𝐭𝐭𝐚𝐛𝐥𝐞 𝐬𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐞𝐫, jeremiah fisher Where stories live. Discover now