9, 𝙩𝙝𝙚 4𝙩𝙝 𝙤𝙛 𝙟𝙪𝙡𝙮

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ೄྀ࿐ 𓆉 ˊˎ-the 4th of july real life

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ೄྀ࿐ 𓆉 ˊˎ-
the 4th of july
real life

it was the 4th of july. the dads always came down for the 4th. violet didn't have a good relationship with her dad so she was upset about today.

violet and miles dads name was brooks. brooks was wealthy and lived a strict life style. all he cared about was work and money. he had left them 3 years ago.

he never gave a real reason besides saying he was 'unhappy' in their marriage. they all knew he was having an affair they just never talked about it.

violet would look at his facebook and just stare at the pictures of him with his new wife and their kids.

a boy and a girl. he had replaced violet and miles.

it took a toll on violet and she never really told anyone besides conrad. he knew everything about her dad and how much it hurt her.

"i just don't see why he has to come," violet said as she took a sip from the cup of orange juice sitting in front of her.

"because he always does," jamie said.

"he didn't come last year or the year before that," miles said defending his sister.

"that's because he was busy starting that new business," jamie said.

jamie had a deep hatred for brooks but she tried to put on smile for her kids, but just because she hated him doesn't mean she didn't miss him or that she didn't wish they were still together. she knew deep down that miles missed his dad and wanted to have a relationship with him , it was violet who had completely turned away from the idea.

violet despised her father. she made it known.

violet stood up from the table and quickly made her way up to her room. stomping on the stares so that it was clear to everyone in the house that she was upset.

she laid down on her bed and shoved her headphones in her ears.

her music was up so loud that she didn't hear when someone had been knocking on the door. she didn't even notice that jeremiah had entered her room until a headphone was pulled out of her ear.

she looked up at him as he put the headphone by his ear.

"family line by conan gray..really?" he asked.

she snatched the headphone from his hand and sat up , leaning against her headboard.

jeremiah sat down on her bed and gave her a sympathetic smile.

"i'm sorry that he has to come today," he said.

"it's whatever," she said looking down at her lap.

"i just hate him so much." she added.

"i know v," he said moving to sit beside her.

"it's so unfair that he gets to move on from it so fast and just replace me and miles," she said , tears forming in her eyes as she stared at jeremiah.

he looked at her with sad eyes and pulled her into a hug.

he rubbed her back as she cried in his arms. jeremiah felt his heart break for her. he had been the one that miles would tell all of the story's to so he knew practically everything about the divorce to the affair to violets facebook stalks.

"he doesn't deserve to be in your life anyways. your such an amazing genuine person and someone as cold hearted as brooks doesn't need to be apart of such a loving persons life anyways." jeremiah said.

he didn't know what words to say , he had never had to comfort someone besides his brother so he wasn't exactly a pro.

violet gave a soft smile at his try to comfort her. his words helped her and made her feel better. so for that she was thankful.

"thanks jere," she said looking up at him through her wet eyelashes.

he just looked down at her with a smile.

she leaned in and placed her lips on his. she wasn't exactly thinking the straightest but she knew this is what she wanted.

jeremiah was a little shocked at the sudden movement but he kissed back once he realized that the girl he had been crushing on his whole life was kissing him.

violet deepened the kiss by sitting up and climbing onto his lap. his hands immediately finding her waist.

the kiss grew more heated and that's when the realization set in. violet pulled away and stared at him.

realizing what she had just done she got off of his lap and off of the bed completely. she was standing on the side of her bed looking at him.

"i'm sorry- that shouldn't have-" she was rambling on her words.

"v it's okay." he said getting up.

he just hugged her for a few seconds before the doorbell was heard meaning her dad had arrived.


i wasn't gonna have them kiss during that moment but it sorta felt right

family line by conan breaks my heart it's literally me lol

anyways this was kinda a filler chapter just to give u some background on violets dad but it doesn't rlly seem like a filler chapter since they kissed lol

- lia <3

𝐮𝐧𝐟𝐨𝐫𝐠𝐞𝐭𝐭𝐚𝐛𝐥𝐞 𝐬𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐞𝐫, jeremiah fisher Where stories live. Discover now