36, 𝙩𝙖𝙠𝙚 𝙖 𝙛𝙪𝙘𝙠𝙞𝙣𝙜 𝙝𝙞𝙣𝙩

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ೄྀ࿐ 𓆉 ˊˎ-take a fucking hint real life, social media

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ೄྀ࿐ 𓆉 ˊˎ-
take a fucking hint
real life, social media

violet rolled over to hit snooze on her alarm. the blaring sound made her groan as she pulled her comforter up and over her head. violet hated school.

i mean who doesn't honestly.

she was excited to see her friends and especially jeremiah. she started to drift back to sleep until a heavy weight landed on-top of her. she pulled the comforter down seeing miles laying on her with a wide grin.

"senior year!" he yelled.

violet rolled her eyes and pulled the comforter right back up.

jamie and miles greeted violet at the bottom of the stairs. they both had big smiles and jamie had a camera in her hands.

"hurry smile!" jamie said as violet reached the end of the stairs.

"mommmm" violet groaned dragging out the m but then quickly got into a cute pose with a big smile.

after a quick photo sesh violet left and was now on her way to pick up autumn.

they had agreed to drive together for the first day so violet could show autumn around and because it was their senior year and they wanted to share every moment together.

"senior yearrrrrr!" autumn yelled when she got into the passenger seat.

"woooo!" violet cheered as they sped off towards the school.

violet parked her car beside a familiar red jeep. jeremiah was leaned against the back of his car with belly and taylor stood in front of him. violet got out of the car along with autumn and the pair walked towards the rest of their group.

jeremiah pulled her into a hug and kissed the top of her head.

"i already wanna go home" belly said as they walked towards the front doors.

violet liked her first 4 periods. the teachers were sweet and she had friends in all of her classes.

violet walked into her 5th period class seeing jeremiah sat in the back. he was sitting up in his seat and a girl was sat beside him. a blonde hair, blue eyed, very bright and cheery looking girl.

they were engaged in a conversation and jeremiah was laughing at everything the girl was saying.

"ah violet collins lovely to have you in my class! i've heard lots of good things about you collins" the older man with dark brown hair and a black button up shirt said to her.

he must be talking about her dad.

violet smiled and extended her hand "very nice to have you as a teacher mr....."

"williams" he said extending his hand out to shake hers.

violet let go of his hand and then sat herself in the seat in front of jeremiah since it had been the only one open.

the entirety of the class was just mr. williams who violet had learned that his name was blake williams and he was 37 and also single. not that the last part mattered anyway, violet did find him hot. to which she blamed on her daddy issues.

after the class was over violet stood up and gathered her belongings, she turned around to face jeremiah who happily took her hand to hold in his own.

"so how has your day been so far?" jeremiah asked her.

"it's been good actually, how was yours?" violet asked.

"really good-"

"hey guys! can i walk with you? i don't want to walk alone" the blonde said with a high pitched laugh.

violet had already felt herself getting annoyed by her voice and now she was going to have to listen to it everyday for a year.

"yeah sure! babe this is ava," jeremiah said looking between the two girls "ava this is my girlfriend violet."

"nice to meet you" violet put on a smile as she looked over at ava.

ava just nodded "anyways i'm having a party tonight since you know first day and all, you should totally come j!"

j? yeah violet was now beyond annoyed.

"i'll think about it" he said as they had reached his next class.

jeremiah waved to violet as he entered his next class. violet looked over at ava who was waving at jeremiah through the door.

girl take a fucking hint.


violetlikes2spam maybe i'll drop out maybe i'll die who knows lol 🤣🤣😎😎😎😇😇😇😐😐👎👎

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violetlikes2spam maybe i'll drop out maybe i'll die who knows lol 🤣🤣😎😎😎😇😇😇😐😐👎👎

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jeremyfisher maybe you won't do any of these things
milesishot ya i agree with this
connielol me too
steveyboy me three
violetlikes2spam 🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄

bellybutton i love u
violetlikes2spam i love u more

fallgirl 👱🏼‍♀️🚫🚫🚫🚫🚫🚫
violetlikes2spam NAH FR
taytay LMFAOOO


quick little filler chapter

i'm so sorry for taking so long to update i've been so stressed lately

also all of that big drama is coming soon so just a heads up

i'm gonna try and get another chapter up tonight but if i don't then i'm sorry don't hate me 😫😫

- lia <3

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