Harry Saves the Day

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Harry was limply hung on the grave of Tom Riddle Senior. His heart thumping on his ribs which seemed to burst any moment. His forehead dripping sweat on the lashes of his eyes. The cut in his right forearm throbbing and stinging, dribbling blood made by Wormtail just a few minutes ago. The sight running in front of him was frightening, a snake-human baby's body in a large cauldron, he so desperately wanted to drown and die but he knew that wouldn't happen. He had always been lucky with his life but never with the occurrences around him. So, this time he had to something to stop making this happen even if for that he had to make some amends with the past.

Well, in the starting of the year he had nicked the time-turner from Hermione's school bag, it took a bit of his sneakiness he used in the Dursley household, but finally he was successful. He tried to get back in time and stop his name being pulled out of the Goblet of Fire but, well... as any foolish Gryffindor he thought this would make him look too cowardly.

But now was the time. Harry gathered his energy and determination and reached for the string hanging in his neck. The gold shine of the object met his eye, he was almost going dizzy now, the sweat blurring his vision and the blood loss was not helping the situation either. He knew he was holding the object the wrong way but who cared about it in a life and death situation. He just had to stop all of this. The last time they used it, it was done by Hermione, he had never known how to use it.

Perhaps, going back twenty hours will be fine, to warn everyone of what is awaiting future. And he'll surely run to Dumbledore first and tell him everything, hopefully he believes Harry. So, he began rotating the crown of the time-turner. 1... 2... 3... ... ... ... ... ... 18... 19... and a stinging hex met his right forearm. His hand recoiled in pain but the time-turner still held firmly in his left hand's fingers. He knew he had been revealed but maybe, only maybe, it worked, even though he didn't complete the count.

Cedric wouldn't die if this worked, VOLDEMORT won't come back. The liquid in the cauldron in front of him was still bubbling and Wormtail's wand was poised on him. The distraction of Wormtail by the time-turner had loosed the ropes gripping Harry only a little bit but enough for him to reach for his wand. Gathering all the courage Harry pulled his wand out, "STUPEFY!" he shouted.

It knocked Worm tail out. The hope just increased in Harry to stop all this.

"ACCIO TRIWIZARD CUP!", Harry yelled again. The cup zoomed into his hand. He felt two pressures on him together now, both familiar to him. The navel pulls, told him that he had port keyed and the surroundings go round making any sane human lose his mind, told him he had time-travelled too.

*Page break*

Harry was dropped from the sky from who knew how many feet, but he was fine. He opened his eyes ignoring the pain by the fall. It seemed almost afternoon with the breezes hitting his face gently. He was standing on the Quidditch Pitch. He would have flown to get rid of all of his anxiety only if the situation wasn't so dire and had to be rectified soon. He was back in time and on Hogwarts grounds now, the only thing left to do was to notify Dumbledore and explain everything.

He broke into a run, out of the Quidditch Pitch, there were younger students running beside the lake and some sitting there enjoying the sun and the older one had their heads hanging over huge books. Some perhaps had their exams going on in the great hall right now, he guessed. He envied them.

A girl came running to him with huge cloudy brown eyes, the glasses made them look even bigger and her blonde hair seemed almost everywhere with a frown gracing her features. The batch on the left chest with an eagle showed she was a Ravenclaw. He knew he had to escape the girl, didn't want to waste time with people calling him the boy-who-lived. But something was odd in this girl. He had never seen her... or had he? She looked older than him, probably in the 7th year.

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