55 The Final task

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Chapter 55 The Final Task

He wiped the one tear that had escaped his eye as he tried putting something in his stomach at the Slytherin table. Narcissa was beside him but at a distance. They didn't talk in the moment of happy chatters all around them but went on attempting to untangle their minds. Neither wished to think about any of the things that were about to happen or had already taken place but at this point, even Occlumency had failed them.

After a long attempt of eating something, both gave up and just sat there, staring into space. Soon the dinner was over, and the plates disappeared from the tables as Dumbledore stood.

'Ladies and gentlemen, in five minutes' time, I will be asking you to make your way to the Quidditch pitch for the third and the last task of the Triwizard Tournament. Until then, the champions, please follow Mr Bagman down to the stadium.'

The champions rose from their seats and the applause for them rang throughout the hall. Severus passed a weak but appreciative smile to the ones who yelled his name.

'Good luck, Severus,' Narcissa whispered.

'Thank you,' he said with a straight voice and left her side.

*Page Break*

Things were weighing so much on his mind that feeling nervous about the task was almost the last for him to feel. Mr Bagman kept blabbering something in his ear while he merely nodded to everything he said. He had been absentmindedly walking without realizing that he was on the Quidditch pitch which the others were gawking at because of its changed look. Though, the only thing he had noticed was the entrance to the maze which was dark and quiet.

It took no more than five minutes for the stands to almost fill completely. It was almost night and the wind breezes whistled in their ears. Though, it was hard to hear as the audience wasn't the quietest. They seemed to feel more than the champions themselves.

Hagrid, Professor Flitwick, and Professor McGonagall came walking towards them wearing large, red, luminous stars on their hats. 'We will be patrolling the outside of the maze,' McGonagall informed them. 'If you get into any difficulty, and wish to be rescued, send red sparks into the air, and one of us will come and get you. I believe you all got my point...?'

'Yes, professor,' the champions affirmed.

'Good luck with the patrolling, professors,' Mr Bagman said brightly making all of them roll their eyes and leave. He ignored them and muttered, lifting his wand, 'Sonorus,' magically magnifying his voice.

'Ladies and gentlemen, the third and the final task of the Triwizard Tournament is about to begin! Let me remind you how the points currently stand. At first position is Severus Snape from Hogwarts!' – that did make the audience roar with cheers of excitement as Severus blazed them a small smile – 'In the second is Fidanka Ivet from Durmstrang!' – noise from the place in the stands where the students of Durmstrang sat. They had high expectations from her as she was only a point behind Severus – 'In the third place is James Potter from Hogwarts again!' – No surprises. Everyone knew that Hogwarts was crazy behind James and to elevate the moment he also waved to the audience – 'And in the third place is Elias Amedee from Beauxbatons!' He looked green again, but more confident and his school had felt it radiating through him as they all applauded.

For one last time, Severus tried to push everything back and give himself to the task before thinking about anything else. Not even the reason for the sudden disappearance of his friends. He just hoped that Selene's health was fine, and she had no complications as the trial with Legilimency on Lily in the cave had taken Madam Pomfrey to levels of uncertainty. He took a deep breath and straightened. Just a little more and he'd be ready to face the other problems at stake.

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