The song

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The rest of the day went up quite smoothly. If trying to ignore the people and are successful falls under that category, that is. Severus and Lily felt uncomfortable even facing the other. They didn't know now, what to say to on another. One minute they had been kissing and cuddling and the minute everything had broken up. It was too fast for either of them to comprehend. They still wanted to with each other, but the gap was for a reason. Lily would definitely, not cover the gap until she was satisfied with what she wanted.

Though, they thought that they weren't behaving awkwardly, for anyone to notice, their friends had the sixth sense, to know that there was a certain amount of tension between them.

Severus was going around when he collided with someone, making two of his books fall from his hand. "What the- Oh, Charm?"

"Severus?" she was picking the books up but left them, when she saw him.

"Well, what are you doing here?" he looked around in the Ancient Runes corridor, the subject she wasn't interested in.

"Uh..." she looked flustered. "Nothing?"

He peaked behind and rolled his eyes. She had just been out with, well, Elias. She must have asked about some secret passages from the Marauders. "You have been with Elias, didn't you?"

Charm's eyes grew wide in alarm. "What?! No! I was just taking a walk"

"A walk in the most boring area of the castle?" he raised his eyebrow. "I am not dumb, Charm"

She let it go, and picked the books up, handing them over to him. "Where are you going?"

"Coming back from the class. Others had already left and I was there with the teacher, clearing some doubts" he answered.

"Oh... well..."

"Do you have something specific to say, Charm? Otherwise, don't waste my time" he snarled.

Charm frowned and then looked at the floor contently. She was correct. Something was wrong. Otherwise, the way she had seen him in the Potion class room, it was evident. He seemed really, really out of character... and even bitter than he was before...

*Page Break*

The Potions Class room.

Severus sighed. The first time he hated the class so damn much. Not because of Slughorn's stupidity or not acknowledging his brilliance. No! It was because he had to sit with Lily. He hadn't ever felt so bad about it... but when he thought about the thing, he couldn't keep his anger at bay. He didn't know why was he feeling it, he just was.

He groaned. The only seat left for him was the one near Lily. Everyone must have assumed that he was going to be her partner for the class as always, but then, they didn't know what had happened its previous day, between them.

He grudgingly went and took his seat beside her, without even sparing a glance to her. His sudden appearance would have shocked her as, she had turned to him before looking in the front again.

No, they had to make a potion together too. His life was hell.

"My dear students" Slughorn addressed everyone present in the classroom, genially. "Now, I hope you had a good night's sleep, didn't you?"

Not a very enthusiastic answer followed his question. He had actually expected the sixth-years to say that they slept well. Which student would have? It was the sixth-year! Didn't he get that?!

Slughorn laughed at his own stupid joke. "Well, I see many of you didn't. I understand. Exam pressure and the excitement for the tournament"-

Severus hoped to everything that he doesn't ask a question to him about the Triwizard Tournament, or he would snarl at him like a freaking monster. To his relief he just got a pointed look from him, but no, questions.

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