The survivors

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His eyes twitched as did his fingers. He drew in a breath, that seemed quite a foreign thing to do, as if he hadn't breathed for long. He shook his head, feeling the fluffy cushion under his head and letting out a sigh. That didn't seem as a good idea, because even the air in his throat, felt like piercing needles, making him clench his eyes in pain.

When his attention shifted from his throat, he observed a dead weight on one of his arms and the memories came back, filling his mind. Was it the Grindylow still stuck to his body? He jerked his eyes open to find the worst. There on a chair beside his bed -that he had just noticed, to be in- was Tvora Rebecca, sitting with her feet resting on Severus' arm while she seemed to be examining a wand. His wand.

Before anything, his instinct, ordered him to jerk back from her but her feet suddenly became tightly clawed to his arm, as she turned to him, making him freeze. His eyes grew wide with the worst anticipation as Tvora's eyes shone up with a tiny smirk on her lips.

"Ah... you are awake, Severus" she said in a sweet voice, that Severus so damn knew was fake after so many encounters with her. "Are you even aware where you are? Hmm?"

He blinked and shifted his body away from her, just then noticing the rush in the room. He looked around and realized that he was in the Hospital Wing. Again. What else did he expect? Wait! Had Tvora saved him after he had blacked out? His eyes grew wider with only the thoughts of the usage she could have taken of him, while he was unconscious.

Tvora smiled again, way exaggeratedly. "Oh, don't worry, Severus..." she ran a finger, with a long nail on his cheek, sending horrific shivers to his spine. "You are safe" she whispered, making him believe in the exact opposite. "Yes, I was the one who saved you... you were there lying on the grass, out of the castle gates... I was about to go to Hogsmeade, and you know what? Saving you saved my life too..."

His turned to her sharply. He wasn't actually paying attention to any of her shit but this had caught it, immediately. He tried to speak but no voice came out, just his lips moved and a piercing pain shot in his throat again.

Tvora chuckled, taking her feet on the ground and leaning on to him, so that her face remained only a couple of inches apart from his. "There was an attack at Hogsmeade. And no one who went survived"

Severus' fingers clutched the bedsheets. He didn't want to hear the dreaded statement. He kept staring at her with wide eyes. All of his friends had gone to Hogsmeade. And none were alive! Why did Merlin do that?! His head turned away from Tvora as his lower lip trembled and tears began slipping down his eyes. Why did Merlin not kill him too?! What was the purpose of life now?!

Couldn't he had been polite with everyone for the last time?! Couldn't he had given Lily their last kiss?! Couldn't he had hugged Charm for the last time?! Couldn't he had sat with Austin to study for the last time?! Couldn't he had accepted Shane and Selene's offer for Hogsmeade?! Couldn't he had died too?! Couldn't nothing would have happened?! His mind screamed at himself making his frame wreck with sobs. Each one piercing his throat as if with glass but he didn't pay any heed to it.

"Ah... sorrow, already, Severus... cry it out, how can I help with that, anyways?" Tvora spoke in her fake-sympathetic voice.

"Go away!" he screamed as much his throat allowed, throwing anything that came to his hand on her.

"Whoa!" she moved to escape the flying things he threw, then turning to him with rage filling her eyes and grabbing his hair in one of her hands. "As low as your wretched race could be! Stop that!"

He turned away as soon as her grip on his hair loosened, burying his face in the pillow again, and letting out all tears that were there in his body.

"You can do simply that! Cry!" she screeched cruelly.

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