The Second Task

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He jumped up from the bed, his heart beating fast and his chest heaving with pants. He held his wand in his right hand, almost as immediately as he heard a yell. Who the hell was shouting so early in the morning?!

He rubbed his eyes and opened the curtains around his bed, making way for light and to see who was it. He groaned. It was Mulciber, standing with his hands on his hips and looking at him, annoyed.

"What Alvin?"

"GET UP!" Mulciber yelled again.

Severus flinched. "Stop shouting!"


"Fine! I am up and can hear efficiently! Now, speak, whatever you wanted to"

Mulciber rolled his eyes and sat back on his bed. "What's the time?" he asked calmly.

Severus shrugged and yawned. "How am I supposed to know?"

"Check it"

"You can do it yourself but fine..." he waved his wand whispering, "Tempus", that made the time come floating in the air. It was few minutes to eight in the morning.

"It is almost eight, Severus" Mulciber said matter-of-factly.

"So?" and then the realization came floating to him as the numbers vanished from the air. His eyes widened. "It is almost EIGHT!"

"Exactly" Mulciber nodded his head. "So, I believe you must get going"

"Obviously! Couldn't you have woken me up a little early?!" Severus got up from the bed, and went collecting his robes from above his trunk.

Mulciber huffed. "Slughorn asked me to go and wake you up when I thought you are already up! Sleepy head"

"I slept late at night, stupid" he snarled, half-heartedly.

"That doesn't permit you a late morning too, and that too on the day of the second task"

"Uh... yeah" he pulled the curtains again and stripped himself down.

"Umm, Severus?" Mulciber seemed hesitant.


"All the best"

Severus rolled his eyes. "Thank you, Alvin" he drew himself to full height, placing the robes on his shoulders and opening the curtains again, stepping out.

Mulciber stood up and patted his shoulder. "Well, get the gold for Slytherin"

"Spare the theatrics, Alvin" he rolled his eyes again. "And we are Slytherins, we remain at silver"

"I am aware"

"Then, may I leave?"

"Sure" Mulciber spread his hands, in a gesture to allow him to go.

Severus nodded and left for the bathroom before leaving the dungeons slowly, before taking the speed and running to the second-floor ladies' lavatory. He still blushed at the sign, but dismissed it soon.

"Myrtle!" he called out.

A gasp was heard and then the ghost floated out, grinning. Myrtle gasped. "Severus..." she came closer and without any warning kissed his lips. Who gave her the permission for doing that again? He dismissed the thought, as he stumbled back at the sudden force.

"Calm down, Myrtle" he asked, steadying himself. "We need to get to work, first. We don't have much time"

"Well, then... at least time for another little kiss?" she asked making her best puppy eyes.

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