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They all sat in silence for a while and no one said a thing. It was all after Severus told them the things he found out about the place where the next horcrux could be hidden from April. Lily added to the information from time to time, of course.

Charm recovered first. "So... don't you think the Slytherin locket would be there?"

Selene nodded, distractedly. "I believe so... isn't that the only one left after Nagini"

"And after You-Know-How himself" Shane added.

"Yes, but that is something Dumbledore will take care of" Austin reasoned.

They all nodded.

"Now, about the locket..." Severus mused. "We need Bennet's laptop again"

Selene groaned. "Not again"

He smirked. "You are the one, he would get that for... so be prepared to be the flirtatious one, Selene"

"All sorts of things I have to do even after getting engaged"

Shane winked. "Sure thing"

"I hate it" she crossed her arms on her chest.


She huffed. "That you aren't jealous" she hissed.

Shane laughed and kissed her. "You wouldn't be if you were at my place"


Austin spoke. "For this, the locket, I mean... we would have to wait until another of the holiday weeks"

"The Easter break" Lily suggested.

He hummed. "That's right. We have time that means"

"We have but Severus doesn't" Charm gave Severus a pointed look.

"What's happening to me?" he frowned.

She snorted. "The most important thing for now... you are in the Triwizard Tournament, so, for Merlin's sake get some clues for that egg"

Severus' eyes jerked at her. The Yule Ball and then the small vacation was so relaxing and satisfying that he had totally forgotten about that. Though, he had to pretend that he'd been doing the research or else his friends would worry too much about that.

"I have a few guesses... but I'll soon be clear. I wasn't able to run some spells on it because we were at our homes. At the school it would all be fine" he made a stupid excuse.

Lily narrowed her eyes. "When did you researched on that egg?"

He swallowed. He had almost forgotten about Lily. "I did, when you were busy with... I don't know what you were busy with"

"I was in front of you, all time, for the entire day... I don't remember getting busy"

He jerked his hands in the air, faking exasperation. "I don't know, Lils... I have just researched"

None of them looked convinced but they all nodded.

"We have too much work to do reaching school again" Shane shook his head, making a mental list.

"When are you meeting Dumbledore, Austin?" Selene asked.

Austin shrugged. "Just in a day or two..."

"We have to meet him too, Selene!" Shane practically yelled; his face twisted in internal anxiety.

Selene pressed her palms on her ears. "No yelling, Shane! And I know, we have to meet him, I sent him a... letter"

"You did?"

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