53 Fate and Destiny

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A/N: Now, as we are faring towards the climax of the story, do buckle up!


Chapter 53 Fate and Destiny

Leaving Shane and Selene alone for a while was a good idea because they were the people who could curse each other and then snuggle in each other's arms at night. Though Shane being his usual self, asked Selene to do was to get a full-body checkup with Madam Pomphrey and yes, she was bound to heed because it was, she at fault in the first place.

So, they hadn't appeared for the opening feast as the school began.

All that came at the start was Dumbledore welcoming everyone and announcing the arrival of the final exams in two months and the end of the Triwizard Tournament with the third task. The third task would commence on the last day of school after a week of completing the final exams.

And of course, to not get the champions even more pressurized, they weren't having any exams this year and would be promoted to the next year... if they stayed alive remained unsaid by the headmaster.

The Defense Against the Dark Arts professor – Professor Raquel - was still deemed as unhealthy for teaching at the present moment, though, the lingering look behind Dumbledore's eyes said otherwise. It was something more than being unhealthy or unavailable for some reason.

Severus, Lily, Charm and Austin shared knowing looks as they were yet to forget the encounter Severus had faced in the Second task. According to him, Raquel was there... and he also was yet to find the face of the person he had seen in the Slytherin common room when he was underwater.

On top of that, they also had to know what Afroze knew and what was Crouch Jr. up to. Both of them had shown totally opposite sides to each other of themselves until now. When Afroze had seemed to help them, Crouch had been suspicious of trying to get to know something. They had to keep an eye on Crouch because he was the one who had been creating problems whereas they had to maintain a reasonable distance from Afroze. After all, no one must know that he knew something.

And again - Severus sighed at the mental list he was making – they had to know about the dark figure he had seen months ago when he had somehow legilimized Crouch Jr. That thing was quite peculiar and hard to know about as it had been a long while since that incident, but he could still keep an eye on Crouch.

Perhaps, Crouch was the one who wished for him to get into the Tournament. Well, thinking about all of this made Severus' head twirl. Things had gone to a very complicated edge, understanding which wasn't something they could do easily.

He sighed and put a bite of chicken in his mouth making his knife and fork cackle on the plate. The same cackles were heard all around himself, which he had been ignoring until now, but that combined with the buzz of people's chatters made his head hurt. He sighed again and looked at his side where Charm was sitting. He frowned. She was eating absentmindedly as her focus seemed to be on someone. It wasn't Amedee... then who?

Severus' eyes widened. Tvora. He had almost forgotten of her presence, but of course, he mustn't have. 'Why are you looking at Tvora, Charm?'

Charm still didn't look at him but kept her eyes fixed on the beautiful girl with dark motives as they had encountered until now. 'Doesn't she seem odd to you?'

Severus nodded. She did. Tvora didn't seem like her normal nuisance-creating self. Her face was blank, but her eyes wrote a different story. She in a way seemed... urgh! He couldn't put a finger on the emotion in her eyes, but they were definitely different.

'Yes, I am aware. Eyes look different, don't they?' Charm asked. 'I have been thinking about them too... she is again up to something. Stay safe, Severus.'

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