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After all the content, you need to endure some contempt too. With the same phrase in mind, he stood facing the dingy quarters, he was expected to call home. Though he never saw it that way. The grass around the house was overly-grown that it covered half his shins. Of course, now when he was here, the work belonged to him.

He sighed. He had to step inside, as much as he despised it. He wanted no more than to sit in the Evans' car once more and pray for the journey to never get completed. He sighed again and opened the door of the house, which almost seemed to be unhinged from the doorframe. He snorted, as if he expected any better from his parents.

He resolved that he would go straight to his room without making a single sound and be careful when walking on the stairs, lest making any unwanted noise.

He came inside, closing the door behind. He noticed his father's jacket hanging on a hook. Perhaps, he didn't remember that Severus was coming that day, else he would have never hanged the jacket in which he kept money.

Severus taking the hint that Merlin wanted to help him, pocketed all the money he got from the jacket. From where did his father get so much money? Severus could work on that money for the entire summer vacations, but then his expenses were not much.

He froze startled, when a thrashing voice came from upstairs, accompanied by a loud cry, "Tobias!"

His heart began beating faster and it filled with terror. What the hell were his parents doing now?!

He left his trunk on the door and ran to the stairs. He had been just half-way there when he saw his father gripping his mother tightly by the arms. A flower vase laid broken on the floor; the glass shattered in all directions. He froze there, unable to even move an inch.

"Tobias... Tobias, stop it, why-" his mother cried, but stopped as soon as she saw Severus standing there. Tears were streaming down her face while she begged her husband to stop. Severus flinched at the sight.

"Now the boy's 'ere too... ya're not stayin' 'ere for long anyways" Tobias' drunken eyes met Severus', sending another wave of terror course through his veins.

Soon coming to his senses, he took his wand out and pointed it on Tobias.

"Leave her alone or else a simple spell can kill you" he snarled, though his heart was hammering on his rib cage.

Tobias merely laughed. "Do you think I don' know tha' yar fuckin' wand-wavin' is not allowed 'ere?"

"It's allowed in self-defense, you fool" he hissed.

Rage burned in Tobias' eyes and he took a step forward towards Severus, who in turn sub-consciously took a step backwards.

Eileen grabbed one of Tobias' hands. "Toby, Toby, please... he's still a boy... don't do anything to him. Please. He is my child..." she begged, but Tobias shoved her back angrily.

"Child!" he mocked and laughed cruelly. "He'll become a man soon but still hiding behind mummy, aren' ya?"

"Leave. Mother. Alone!" Severus yelled.

Tobias ignored him totally and looked at Eileen. "Ya love 'im, don' ya?"

Eileen didn't reply but her filled with the horrific anticipation of what was her husband going to do.

"Ya started it, I'll finish" he stepped almost too fast for Severus to comprehend and took his collar.

The smell of alcohol burned in Severus' nostrils, making him want to sick up. His father shook his scrawny frame in a single blow and he staggered behind on the stairs, trying to stand straight up-right.

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