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Severus took a bath as Mrs. Evans had instructed him to before coming back to his room. His room. He was amazed and touched till the core on how much the Evans did for him. He had an entire bedroom to himself here, with all the necessities of life and more. And the thing he was denied his entire life- Love. He smiled and laid in his bed under the covers, placing his head on the soft pillows. Warm and safe, he closed his eyes.

He was in the middle of a deep breath before he felt in almost choking himself. He heard the door of his room opening. Was there a Death-Eater? Did someone want to kill him in sleep? Who was there?! The darkness in the room was even more frustrating and he didn't make a single sound or gave any sign of being awake.

He kept his face straight so, that even if anyone was here, would think that was fast asleep and would underestimate him. Good. A fine strategy to ash out when your opponent thinks that you are the most vulnerable. Just thinks.

And then, he felt a hand on his arm from above the covers that ran chills to his spine. What did the imposter want? The hand trailed to his neck and soon touched the skin of his face. Severus didn't think anymore. He went and instantly grabbed the hand that had already made its way till his face. The imposter gasped and Severus frowned.

Was it Bellatrix? If You-Know-Who wanted a painful death for him then Bellatrix was a perfect option. And then he was as good as dead now. Though he turned the dim night light on from the switch that was close to his bed.

He turned to the imposter and left the hand immediately. The red hair and wide green eyes were definitely... Lily. Well, also with a deep blush on the cheeks that made Severus laugh like hell.

"What are you doing here?" he sat up straight.

Lily cleared her throat in embarrassment. "Nothing. What do you think I am doing?"

"Lily, I thought there is a Death-Eater here"

"Oh..." her eyes trailed on the place beside him. "Can I at least come under the covers? It's cold out here"

Severus blinked and flushed, but made way for her. She climbed up beside him... sitting too close. Though, he didn't mind. Which idiot would?

"You are fine, aren't you?" he asked to end the silence.

She looked at him and smiled. "Of course, I am"

"Then...?" he didn't complete the question out of embarrassment.

Lily sighed and laid her head on his shoulder. That made their thighs connect and them sucking silent breaths. Severus brought up a hand and wrapped it around her shoulders.

"Can't I just come to see my boyfriend?" she whispered.

"Lily, it's not that I mind but you know that it will be a little... inappropriate" he reasoned.

Lily wrapped her arms around his waist, pulling him closer and pouted. "Petunia has already broken the rule so, it is fine, now"

"Lily... I-"

"Sev! We are not having sex, now. We are not even ready for that" she flushed red.

"We are not" he agreed.

"Though, I can sleep with you, couldn't I?" she batted her eyelids.

Severus chuckled. "If only I could deny it or want to. Of course, only if your parents are fine with it?"

"They wouldn't know, Sev"

"Lily, but we mustn't do anything that makes them uncomfortable or doubtful around me"

"They wouldn't. Trust me" she slipped them downwards so, that they were properly under the covers.

"If you say so" he flipped above her, earning a surprised gasp and then a smirk from Lily.

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