She defended!

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Two people hadn't returned to be the same, yet. Sirius and Regulus. Sirius was in the same position again, Regulus' head in his lap, urging him to wake up.

Regulus took a sharp breath at once. All of them raced around the two brothers, to see what had happened.

Regulus' eyes cracked open and he frowned. They huffed in relief and slumped on the ground. Regulus was awake.

A sob broke their relief. Sirius made Regulus half-sit, held him tightly to his chest and wept. Tears dripped down on Regulus' crown while his loud sobs made the others anxious and Regulus confused.

"Sirius" he croaked. "What the fuck happened?"

Sirius just tightened his hold and continued to sob. Regulus finally pried out of Sirius' hold and sat up straight.

"Would someone tell me wh-" memories came to him in full force, making him nauseous in the process. He turned to look at all of their faces and paused back on Sirius' weeping one.

"I-I am s-sorry" he stammered. "Severus, Selene, Charm, you need to believe me I know something about him. I wanted to tell you but before that I had to test the diary. Please believe me" he sounding more and more desperate by the second. "He used me after that!"

Charm nodded. "We believe you, Regulus" she assured. "Otherwise, you would have egged the diary on someone else"

"Yes, but tell me later what do you know" Severus said. "Not in front of the Gryffindors, though"

Surprisingly no one took offence to what he said. They perhaps, understood the need of secrecy.

Selene groaned. "Pettigrew do you have more of that potion, please"

Pettigrew was more than happy to help; he was of use to someone. He passed the potion from his robes to Selene, easing her pain again.

Regulus' eyes turned to Sirius. "Why the fuck are you still crying?"

Sirius smacked him hard on the head before hugging him to his chest again. "Because, I love you, silly" he intoned and Regulus froze and reddened a little.

"I thought you hated me?"

"No. I hate the way you were on, Reggy"

"You are biggest idiot of the world. Think like a Slytherin once in your lifetime" Regulus choked. "I had to keep up appearances so that I can live peacefully in that household"

Sirius barked a laughter through tears. "Then we can be the brothers again, the one we were at seven"

Regulus nodded. "We'll just have to play a little" he winked earning another smack from his brother. "That will be fun, Siri!"

"I would have really destroyed your room if you had died here" Sirius tried to joke though his sobs were ruining it.

"The fuck, Sirius. Stop crying, now. What will Lupin think?"

Remus blushed at the back and Sirius hugged Regulus for the last time before he whispered. "I love you too, brother"

Sirius smiled and ruffled his hair before getting up.

"Come on, get up, guys" Sirius was back to being annoying.

All the others rolled their eyes and got up from the ground moaning.

"Now, Potter, a word about this out and I have your secret of being an animagus" Severus made a deal.

"You are what?" Regulus' eyes were ready to budge out.

"Not a single word, Snape, if your word is as truer" James agreed.

Severus nodded.

Sirius laughed, though. "Close your mouth, little brother" He soon changed into a grim dog.

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