Chapter 50 Who?

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A/N: So, I wrote one more chapter... thought, why not just upload it too...
To warn, the story is going to evolve quite quickly from now on.

'... wow...'

'Is that all you all say?!'

They all ignored her but what she told before that was impressive. The dark water, the potion that caused some sort of weird pain... and the locket in the stone basin.

Severus stood up and vanished from everyone's sight... searching for another book! They all groaned. They were fucking sick of reading.

'So... we'll have to cross all of that...' Shane sighed. 'Hefty...'

Austin nodded. 'We just need to know how to cross all those obstacles... because the locket will clearly be in the stone basin...'

'One thing that hasn't been mentioned is the entrance... no clue to that part,' Selene looked in each of their eyes. 'Because as much as I have known him, he wouldn't let anyone come without a challenge...'

'Can the dark lake just be an illusion?' Lily mused.

Charm banged her fists on the table, making everyone jump in their seats and shut up. When everyone was quiet, Charm gave a curt nod and was about to speak, when they all saw a book being slammed on the table. And then... Severus slumped on his chair, sighing.

'I can't get anything. I searched for the all the books that could have such a potion... but I didn't find any. Perhaps, it is something new... or just too well hidden,' he rubbed his chin.

The others stifled a laugh, at Charm annoyed face. She was fuming. 'Severus...' she hissed.

He frowned. 'Yes?'

'Well... only if someone allows me to speak!'

Severus shrugged. 'Speak then, who stopped you anyways...'

That got Charm to intensify her glare. 'Only if someone realises... but anyways-'

She was again about to continue but an owl flew into the library and landed right in front of Austin. She crossed her arms on her chest while the other were intrigued by the letter.

Selene rolled her eyes. 'Just tell us already that it is from Marlene and we'd continue with the discussion, Austin...'

Austin blushed while unrolling the letter, 'Wait... I don't think this is from Marlene. She doesn't have any such owl...'

'Then what is it?' Shane leaned on Austin's chair to peek inside.

'Weak, Weaker, Dead...?' Austin looked up; his eyes wide. 'What does that mean?'

Lily snatched the letter from his hands and saw the very same message.

Weak, Weaker, Dead.

'What can this mean?'

'A threat?' Charm whispered, forgetting all of her previous annoyance. 'What would have Austin done to anyone?'

'Who is the letter from?' Selene asked.

Lily looked at Austin and both of them shook their heads. 'There is no mention.'

Shane snatched it from Lily and waved his wand on it before shaking his head. 'No. Nothing.'

Selene snatched it from him and stood up with her wand out. She waved it on the letter producing a red smoke... but at last she shook her head too. 'No. If this spell didn't work, there is absolutely nothing...'

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