The Stone

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Severus banged stair after stair downwards. He hadn't experienced this pain since his father last beat him. He groaned at the end of the staircase and then heard Selene shout something, Austin and Charm gasps and Lily and Shane's anxious footsteps.

He lifted his head a little only to see what's in front of him. It was a golden box. That had come into view by the slipping of the floorboard. But that didn't catch his attention. What did was a voice. A motherly one. Caring and Loving, calling him to herself.

It was his mother. Could he meet his mother through the golden box? Did he simply have to open it?

A wave of air brushed through his air and he was instantly changed into a black pair of trousers and a forest green full-sleeved shirt. He didn't pay a single heed.

His muscles and ribs ached that he knew were some new bruises, but he didn't care. The whispering voice was calling him and so, he sat up straight, ignoring all the pain.

"Mum?" he whispered to the box. Some commotion was going on in the place but he could hear nothing more than his mother's sweet voice.

"Dear Severus... here am I... come to me, child... I am here, right with you... I love you, my child... open the box, you'll meet me... come my dear child..."

He reached a hand to open the lid of the golden box but a hand held on his. He angrily looked up and saw anxious green eyes.

"Sev. Please, concentrate on my voice... don't listen to the other one... listen to me"

Whoever the person was, didn't matter to him. Anything or anyone who comes in the way must be destroyed. He shoved her away with immense power. He heard a cry but didn't bother checking up.

His eyes softened when he looked at the box again. Someone tried to grab hold on his arms but it wasn't difficult for him to shove them away. He eventually opened the lid.

An ugly ring with a black stone and a golden loop. He could see a weird symbol engraved on it but didn't bother thinking about it.

"Severus!" a yell came to him and he titled his head to see a bruised face with blonde hair speared the shoulders of the person. He. Merely. Didn't. Care.

He snarled and looked away.

"I'll have to hex you, Severus... Back away" another threatening voice met his ears before he could pick the ring up. He looked up to see that he was on the wand- point of a Mahogany haired and hard-pale eyed girl.

He sneered and turned to the ring again.

"I'll truly hex you, Severus... when I say, back off, I mean it... back off" the girl's voice was so threatening that it sent shivers to his spine.

He closed his eyes for a moment before opening them. The whispers were calling him. Louder than ever. He turned to the girl and before she knew what was going on he snatched the wand from her.

She gasped with shock and took an involuntary step back. He pointed the wand on her and snarled. "AVADA KEDAVRA!"

He heard some screams and saw the girl falling down. An evil grin broke from his face and he felt a tinge of sorrow over his sadist satisfaction, but he ignored it.

"I said don't come in my way!" he hissed and others could have sworn to have seen a glance or red in his black eyes, that Selene loved.

He reached a hand to get to the ring but that is when he felt a poke on his neck from the back.

"Don't. Severus, don't. Don't move and calm down. ..." a male voice. He sharply turned back to kill the next person too. A black face with blood shot eyes came into his view and he without thinking grabbed the wand and broke it into half.

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