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Another pleasant morning. He had also started liking the incessant, annoying chirping of birds in the morning. The morning breezes were refreshing. His injuries were healed and he was coming home after exercising and jogging and a long walk. He went out every early morning, he was an early riser after all. He thought he would never do so, after his father had kicked him out of the house.

He sat in the kitchen across Mr. Evans whose face was hidden behind the newspaper. He sipped the coffee that Mrs. Evans passed him.

"I would never know how do you make this coffee, Mrs. Evans" he complimented. "It is just so... perfect"

Mrs. Evans laughed. "I mix love in this, Severus" she teased. "And how many times have I asked you to call me Violet. Mrs. Evans sounds so old"

"Yes, Mrs. Evans... I mean, Violet"

Mr. Evans lowered his newspaper and smiled at his wife. "Our elder daughter is nineteen now, Vi. Don't you think we are rather old?"

Mrs. Evans huffed, but before she could reply Lily came in. "Who said you are old?" she winked. "If I weren't your daughter, I would be bound to believe that you both married just yesterday"

Mr. and Mrs. Evans blushed red and Lily and Severus suppressed a chuckle.

Mr. Evans cleared his throat and addressed all of them. "Where is Petunia?"

A skinny figure glided in the room and took a seat farthest from Severus'. "Here I am" she called.

"Okay then, I and Violet are going out for two weeks. I was first going alone for some business-related work but then we thought of extending the trip" he eyed them.

"And then he says, they are old" Lily muttered cheekily, making her parents go red again.

Mrs. Evans cleared her throat, pretending to not be affected by the comment. "We are leaving at ten, it was rather hastily made"

Lily's face shot up. "Today? Today in the morning?"

"Yes, dear"

"Our friends were coming home today. Good" she smirked. "We'll party" she raised her hands and gave them a wave, in a brief dance.

Too many people spoke together then.

"You didn't tell me they were coming today"

"You will not ruin my house, young lady"

"No alcohol, kids"

"What? More freaks?!"

Lily banged the table in exasperation an rolled her eyes. "One after the other. I only have two ears" she sat straighter. "So, first, Sev. The letter came just last night and that is why I forgot to tell you. Selene sent her house-elf"

"Oh. Fine."

"Now, Mum and Dad. We're not really going to party. And I won't be having any alcohol in here"

"In here? Lily-"

"I am joking, Dad. I won't be having it until I am of age, anywhere. Fine"

Her parents nodded, smiling at her daughter's antics.

"Now, Tuney-"

"Don't call me that" Petunia snapped.

"Okay, fine. Petunia. For your question or rather exclamation. Yes. More freaks" she emphasized on the word she most hated.

Severus swallowed a smirk and Mr. and Mrs. Evans shook their heads.

"Now, I want you three to maintain the house and not fight all the time like kids. Clear?" Mrs. Evans kept her hands on her hips, Lily looked so much like her.

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