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She walked down her dormitory to the common room practically skipping. Last day was the happiest day of her life. She was not even this happy when she first came to Hogwarts. She got her best friend back. And keeping the cherry on the cake, he also promised to not really be on those people's side. She knew he meant it this time. She had also promised herself to be listening him better and become a better friend. She couldn't keep the grin off her face, but some just wanted to pull it off.

"Alright, Evans?" came the flirtatious voice of Potter from her back. She turned around to see his wickedly smiling face and his hand zooming through his messy hair.

"What do you want, Potter?" she asked in almost a bored tone.

His smile faltered for a second but was in place after. "Was just wondering if you would come with me to the last Hogsmeade visit of the year?"

"No" she answered sharply.

"Why? Just give me one chance, Evans. I promise it will be fun."

"The problem starts here, Potter. You, see? We have different definitions of fun. Your fun is bullying others and stripping them in public. Mine's different." She barked.

"I thought you were over Sni- Snape?" he almost said to himself.

"As much as you should know. No! He is still my best friend. And try to do anything- and I mean it anything -I will not hesitate to use any curse I know on you and your pet friends, Potter" from the corner of the room Alice was giving her an impressed look.

"But he practices Dark arts, Evans, how can you bear with that?" he asked incredulously.

"Whatever he does is none of your concern, Potter" Lily said coldly. "And if you really want to be the reformer of this world, why not clean yourself first? I bet you'll find the most dirt there"

"Ev- Lily, but I thought you hated all that Dark arts shit?" he asked, being more and more uncertain of himself. He had so damn sure earlier that Lily had left Snivelly.

"Oh... but I detest you too, Potter, will you keep yourself away from me and Sev? No? Then, why does the other bother you?" she walked through the portrait hole ignoring Daisy and Crystal's disapproval laced hissing voices and the angry looks they were giving her.

Sirius came and kept a hand on James' back. "Bad day, Prongs. I told you to leave Evans. See there you'll find many more girls drooling on you" He winked in the corner filled with girls staring.

"Shove off, Padfoot" James said, not in any mood to talk.

Alice and Mary were passing them, they just flipped once to face them. "I believe, you must heed to Lily's advice. Bullying someone isn't the best option, on top of that her own best friend?" Alice said scornfully.

Mary gave him a hesitant smile gaining a wink from Sirius. She turned around and followed Alice in the Great Hall.

*Page Break*

"I told you she is not loyal to you-"

"We're not together" he said exasperatedly, trying to correct the blonde girl sitting beside him.

"Anyways, Severus, she is at least your friend"

"Your point?" he drawled in his growing annoyance.

Charm huffed. "My point is that look at the way she is looking at Potter."

"Charm! Look at her! She is glaring at him as if she will probably murder him" he hissed at her. But internally he felt rather smug, Lily glaring at Potter, HAA!!! ...

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