The Diary

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There was dead silence on the table and eyes for only one person who had just finished speaking a few seconds ago. Their mouths agape and eyes wide. They all spoke together.

"The Baron loved The Grey lady?"

"The Grey Lady is Rowena Ravenclaw's daughter?"

"The Grey Lady stole the Diadem?"

"The Grey Lady told about the Diadem to Tom Riddle?"

"You and Marlene were snogging in the second-floor corridor?"

All of the eyes turned to Shane, giving him an annoyed look.

"What?" Shane asked innocently. "I was searching for Austin in the entire school. Only if he would have told me that he was on the second floor"

Selene shook her head. "You are impossible, Shane"

They turned to Austin again. He took a deep breath.

"So, yes, Charm, Baron was in love with the Grey Lady and got rejected. Yes, Selene, she is Rowena Ravenclaw's daughter. Yes, Lily she stole the Diadem because she wanted to become more intelligent than her mother. And finally, yes, Severus, she told about the diadem to Tom Riddle" he drew a sharp breath after stopping speaking.

"She mentioned that Riddle came here to ask for the Defense against the Dark Arts job" Severus mused and Austin nodded. "Then it was definitely the time when he hid the diadem in that room"

"Hmm. And do you think we must visit the trophy room once to see how many years ago did, he get that Award and why?" Selene asked thoughtfully.

"Severus told it was for some Special Services to the school" Charm supplied.

"Yes. But for exactly what Special Services?" Lily countered.

"If I may speak, I have already visited that place when I was searching for Austin who in turn was too busy snogging" Shane quirked his lips in his direction who flushed.

"Then what did you find?" Selene asked.

"Nothing more than that the award was received fifty years ago. That's what's written on the trophy"

"We'll have to keep that in mind then" Austin spoke. "Do you think we can talk to the ghosts implicitly about whenever he was here?"

"I believe that's a fine idea" Severus said, rubbing his chin. "And then I don't believe the dementors are more than two nights away from us now"

"And then if Dobby helps you to get the diary from the Malfoy Manor" Shane shrugged.

Severus shook his head. "I don't think because I am no more than his secondary master"

"It doesn't depend on the Master to tell the house-elf about whom to see as a Master and whom not" Selene helped.

"Yes, if Dobby respects you more than Malfoy and is willing to help you, he will at any cost" Charm gave.

"Do you think you can try once?" Lily asked him, keeping a hand on his arm.

He nodded. "I don't think this will work but I'll try"

"Great. Now?" Shane looked eager.

"Now?" Severus frowned.

"Yeah, call him now. It's two hours in curfew" Austin looked at the huge clock that hung in the library.

"Dobby" Severus said in a strained whisper and they were met by a crack sound against their table.

"Master Severus, sir, called Dobby" the creature with eyes like green tennis balls bowed to him.

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