The First Task

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He took a deep breath and approached the tent that seemed to have erected near the Forbidden Forest just a few minutes ago. Slughorn was waiting for him there.

"Ah-Severus, here you are" he kept a hand on Severus' shoulder. "No need to be afraid of anything, Severus, you know that. You are an amazing wizard... I have heard that you can cast a Patronus Charm"

Severus blinked, he wasn't actually paying any heed to what he was saying, his stomach was already feeling ready to puck. "Y-Yes, sir"

Slughorn smiled proudly. "I knew, my boy. Now, if the situation gets out of hand, there are specialists... who will help, so, don't worry"

Severus nodded, distantly.

"Then go in, my boy, with the other champions and then I know a Slytherin like you would make us all proud" Slughorn's chest puffed with pride.

Severus gave a forced smile. He didn't know if he would be able to anything. "Thank you, sir" he said and walked in the tent.

There in a corner Fin was sitting on a stool, looking out of the small window and shaking her leg, anxiously. Looking at her made Severus even more anxious. He looked further around.

In another corner, Elias was bent on a bucket, already had sicked up. He had chosen for this but still was so apprehensive. Severus rolled his eyes, despite of himself. That remained Potter.

Where was he? Ah... in the third corner, making a map or a plan on the ground with his wand. Hell... he practicing and Severus had just not done that. His brows furrowed with the stupidity of himself. Shouldn't he had practiced even more? But then Lily said that he had worked more than enough.

James lifted his head up and smiled at him while he just nodded.

Mr. McFarlan and Ludo Bagman walked inside the tent from the other end.

"Severus!" Ludo Bagman patted Severus' back. "Good, all are here" he smiled.

"Now, the time for the first task and instructions for it" Mr. McFarlan smiled, happily to all of them when they all collected around him and Bagman. "After all the audience are collected, you all will be getting a model of what are you going to face out of this"- he held a purple bag in front of them – "and yes, you'll have to collect a golden egg"

They all nodded and sighed, waiting for the crowd to fill in. They wanted the crowd to fill in fast and then just get over with the task, but also never wanted the time to come. The time slipped soon enough after the students were settled and Karkaroff and Madam Maxime came in the tent.

"Yes, so, let's get it started with" Mr. McFarlan held the pouch open in front of them. "Let's start with the lady. Miss Ivet"

Fin swallowed and dipped her hand in the pouch that came out with a model of a scarlet Chinese Fireball dragon that had the number 'one' wrapped around its neck.

Then Elias pulled out a model of the Welsh Green, that had the number 'three' around it. James was a bluish-gray dragon, the Swedish Short-Snout with the number 'two' around its neck. The last turn was Severus'. He pulled out a Hungarian Horntail with the number 'four' around its neck. Well, this one had vicious looking fangs and thorny wings.

"Very well, you all know, now, what you are going to face" Mr. McFarlan said. "The order you'll go to face the dragons and acquire the golden egg are tied around the models you have. So, Miss Ivet, you are going to be the first one, and be ready because just after you hear a whistle, you'll be coming out"

Karkaroff gave a last squeeze to her shoulder and left with Madam Maxime and Mr. McFarlan.

Ludo Bagman patted both James and Severus' backs before leaving himself.

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