A Little Piece of Mind

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Severus' eyes were fixedly glaring on Potter and Black, those bastards deserved every ill-happening to happen to them. At least he used his own creation- Sectumsempra on Potter, seeing the blood rush out from his cheek gave him some consolation. His own hands were now busy trying to cover his greying underwear, securing it from the prying eyes of the crowd gathered there, laughing at him. His face was already exceedingly red with public embarrassment and anger towards the Marauders. The only other thing blossomed on his face, too evident to a person who knew him was- hurt.

He saw that beautiful face with red flying hair and green eyes, he loved. He loved the smile on that face but a smile for his embarrassment? He couldn't believe Lily would laugh at him in such a compromising situation... caused by Potter. Was she flattered by Potter's attention which caused him pain... Severus pain... her best friend pain? Everyone present there blurred, he had only eyes for Lily at that moment, trying to decipher her. It hurt him so bad that he wanted to sit there and weep like a little boy for something he had experienced. That is when something else arose in him... it was spite. He wanted Lily to feel the same pain she caused to him. He wanted her to feel how much it was hurting to do such a thing to your supposed best friend.

She was nevertheless yelling on Potter to 'leave him alone', was she just joking or was it a genuine to save him from the torments of the Marauders? He would never know. But if it was genuine, wouldn't she had already cursed Potter for doing so to him? Who would know?

The next his head crashed with the ground and a piercing pain shot in his neck, and well... to worsen the situation he was met again by Potter's smug voice.

"You're lucky, Evans was here, Snivellus-"

"I don't need help from filthy little mudblood like her" he growled, he had said it, this would have hurt at the right spot. But why the fucking hell would he say something like that to Lily? She will never talk to him again, only the thought of it was enough to make his throat constrict with tears again.

"Apologise to her!", Potter growled at him.

"I don't want you to make him apologise" she roared at Potter and then gave a hurt but cold stare to Severus. He promised he would never call her that word, hadn't he? "And I wouldn't bother you in future. I'd wash your pants if I were you, Snivellus".

She wouldn't keep behind in hurting Severus if he was doing the same to her. She knew how much he hated the name and she taunted him over his poverty? He wasn't even mistaken for that... yeah ... but she wasn't mistaken for her heritage either. Why would he call her that? People called her that everyday... but hearing the same from Severus' mouth- hurt, hurt really bad.

The hurt filled her eyes with tears, but she wiped them furiously, she wouldn't cry on someone like Sev... NO! ... Snape. She showed her back to them and began walking, wouldn't even want to see the face of him... this is when...

"Well... Well, I here see the words are worse than actions... Interesting" a confident male voice came from the back of the crowd. Everyone's face tilted backwards and the crowd parted to show who was there.

A girl who was casually blowing on her newly done manicure with mahogany coloured hair and pale blue eyes- a 6th year Slytherin was standing beside the boy whose brown eyes scanned the scene lazily. He had tanned skin and brown hair... Severus remembered him to be a 6th year Ravenclaw. Why were they here? Well, Severus' mind wasn't at the right place now... he could just worry about one thing now- Lily, whose head was also turned to see the courageous pair which came to disturb Marauders fun.

"So, how is it going on... having fun Potter, Black... hmm?" the girl sneered towards them, her eyes suddenly bored too much fire for Pettigrew to take in, he recoiled back. The Ravenclaw boy with her meanwhile went to straighten Severus.

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