The Attack

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"You know how to transfigure a parchment into a glass, don't you?" he scowled.

"Hmm? Why?" the mahogany-haired girl frowned at him.

"Because we are going in the Hogs Head, here the glass looks cleaner before it's washed" they walked in the alley way of the Hogs Head.

"Oh, yes, of cour-"

"Shh- someone's there" he whispered, dragging her with him behind a wall to stay hidden.

He saw three people clad in black walking down the alley towards the place with currently the most Hogwarts population. They walked well hidden from prying eyes, but Severus' caught them.

Selene tugged his sleeve, silently asking him about what he saw. He put a finger on his lips and peered from the corner of the wall.

Yes, all were in black with the hoods on.

And... DAMN! He sharply inhaled air.

Silver masks.

There was no mistaking in that. Those were Death Eaters!

A gentle tug in his sleeve again brought him back to look at Selene again. Looking at his worriedly creased face, she knew what was this all about. She knew they shouldn't have come here and put themselves in danger. But when they were here, they had to notify someone who can help. A professor.

The first thought that came to their heads was to run, but that would give them out and they would be dead in no more than a minute.

They had to think like the Slytherins they were and not bash into the situation.

They walked further away from the way and reached the other round that would on circling take them to Hogs Head from the back. This was the best plan Selene could think of.

"Are you sure, you saw the Death Eaters?"

"Yes, totally. They had silver masks and black hoods. If you don't believe go see them yourself" Severus hissed, the anxiety bubble growing in his chest.

"I believe you. And no need to so short with me. Calm yourself" Selene muttered angrily.

"Our entire school's out there, friends are there, Shit, Lily's there and you ask me to calm down" he suppressed a yell.

"Come on, no one's on this way. Come" She dragged Severus from the other route.

They had to do this fast, he had to do this fast. Lily was in danger. She was a muggle-born and likely to be the target first. They wouldn't even think twice before killing her. What if she gets killed? He wouldn't be able to bear that.

Only if they wouldn't have gone to the stupid book shop first, they would have had more time to make a decision.

His breath came shallow and fast. He was panicking. And that would not help them in any way. He rubbed his face with his hands and focused once more.

It wasn't so difficult. They just had to reach the Hogs Head, use the floo and notify the professors. Right.

The attack would take place soon.

*Page Break*

"No, Austin, I told you this-"


"AUSTIN!" she screamed, the spell had struck him straight in the neck and he crumpled on the ground, unconscious. Marlene looked around to see who the culprit, her eyes widened at the figures she saw.

Silver masks and Black hoods. There was a Death Eater attack.

More screams were heard, they were under attack. Panic rose I her chest and tears streamed down her face.

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