Stealing and Sheafing

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The moon shone from the large windows and its light seeping in, dimly lightening the corridor. Though nothing was visible, there stood a certain fifth-year Slytherin waiting for someone, under his invisibility cloak.

It was definitely past curfew and he was still lurking in the corridors, breaking rules just like he faulted and berated someone to. But then after having the means of doing so, easily, a human brain doesn't consider remaining under bounds. On top of that a teenager. Merlin forbids... asking them not to misuse.

A glimmer of red hair from the corner of the wall told him that his awaiting had come to an end. The bright face, he always loved to see, had a secretive glint to it and the green eyes creased in the tenseness of escaping the path without being seen.

The face stopped mere inches away from his. If not for the cloak, Severus would have felt her breath on his skin.

Lily looked around frantically trying to find Severus in the empty corridor. He couldn't resist more, so, he pulled the cloak of him, looking straight into her eyes.

For a second, she appeared shocked but then a smile flashed on her face and she tip-toed to kiss Severus on the cheek. He flushed. She knew he would blush if she kissed him like that, and secretly she loved to watch him in such a situation, though squirming a little.

"Sev" she looked excited. "Come on, we must go now"

Severus had been staring at her. He blinked and flushed again. If he kept on staring like that, he will soon make a right fool of himself.

"Yeah, c-come on" he was damn flustered.

Lily gave a mischievous smile, though it wasn't so prominent in the dark. She can flirt with her friend, couldn't she? The one who fancied her? That was truly fun, making his confidence fall like that.

She innocently took him by his hand dragging him, causing goosebumps to rise on his skin. "Come on, Sev, hurry"

"L-Lily... umm... we need to be under the cloak" he looked away reddening. That was going to be some uncomfortable closeness.

"Oh..." it was her turn to look flustered, but then she smiled. "Fine" she pulled the cloak on herself too.

They were both standing, shoulders touching that sped Severus' heartbeat, when he pulled the hood on their heads.

"We need to... um... s-stand really close, Lily, else we'll be caught" Merlin his head would have burned into ashes because of the heat of the situation.

She huffed. "You need to bend down a little, Sev. You are too tall; our ankles are showing"

"Oh... yeah" he muttered and bend down so that he was face to face with Lily. He felt grateful for the darkness surrounding them at that point.

Lily apparently noticed the closeness between their faces and bit her lip. She flushed, but ignored it and stifled the urge to laugh at Severus' face, which she could see despite of the dark.

He was cute. Only if she could have kept the thought inside instead of blurting it out.

"You are too cute, Sev..." she gave a nervous laugh after realizing that she gave it out.

Severus looked about to die of mortification. He cleared his throat. "We must go now"

Tumbling down the stairs and hiding their ankles from view, they reached the door of Slughorn's office. Severus was damn sure it wasn't locked. He opened it easily with a simple Alohomora. They entered the office, it looked dark like the entire dungeon looked but had a cheery feeling in it. It was empty, of course, who would sit in their office at one in the morning.

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