A Little Sneaking

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He sat on his bed thinking of a plan to escape. His mother would very easily catch him if he went missing. And his brother had no sense in the such Slytherin plans. He shook his head. He would take his brother's help when he would decide to break through the wall in the house with a muggle car... or that is what it was called. Only if Severus or Selene or Charm would be with him. They were so much brilliant in these plannings that they could very easily make it their profession. He rolled his eyes.

At the present only one person could take him to anywhere he liked. After all he was his friend and -he sneered- his master. Kreacher.

"Kreacher!" he called out in a low voice.

"Master Regulus, sir, called Kreacher" the tiny creature popped up in the room out of nowhere.

Regulus nodded. "Kreacher, could you take me somewhere?"

"Anywhere Master Regulus, sir" Kreacher promised.

He smiled at his friend. "I want you to take me to Gringotts"

"Kreacher will take Master Regulus, sir. But Mistress Walburga would be angry at Master Regulus"

"We'll come before she wakes up, Kreacher. And leave Dippy till then to serve" he tried to make a deal.

Kreacher looked thoughtful for a while before bowing down.

Regulus clapped in excitement. "Great!" he went and peeked out of his room before locking it properly. "Now, we are ready to go, Kreacher"

Kreacher with a broad smile lent a hand to his master and they disappeared from 12 Grimmauld Place and soon appeared in front of Gringotts. The streets were clearly deserted as suspected. They would not be seen by anyone. And then what was to be afraid of. They weren't doing anything wrong in the eyes of the Ministry, though, yes, wrong in the eyes of his mother. But who cared, now. He waved a hand and dismissed the thought. Sirius would be so proud and a bit jealous too. He smirked.

"Mother must learn how to apparate from you, Kreacher. You're so swift and easy" he complimented.

Kreacher flushed under the praise.

"You are coming with me, Kreacher" Regulus pulled him in.

They approached a goblin and without hesitation Regulus asked. "Good morning, Bogrod. I would like to visit the Lestrange Vault"

Bogrod viewed him suspiciously and he also made sure not to lose composure. If you can greet people a 'Good Morning' at three in the morning, then it was fine.

He ran things through his head again.

Was he allowed in the Lestrange Vaults? Yes. Because Bella was married to Rudolophus.

Was he allowed without an adult? Yes. He was above thirteen years of age.

Was he holding any charms on himself that will be washed away? No.

Was he doing anything suspicious here? No.

Was coming so early morning skeptical? No.

Can he, do it? Yes.

Will he absolutely, do it? Yes.

Will he succeed? YES.

Inside he was bubbling up with the effects of Adrenaline but on the outside, he smiled politely at the goblin. The goblin nodded.

"The wand please, Mr. Black" he requested.

Regulus hesitated first but then took his wand out and kept it on the table for inspection. He of course didn't have the key. He wasn't the primary owner, but he could be allowed in, by the truthfulness of his wand. Though, he suppressed a sneer when his eyes fell on the wand. Tom Riddle had used the same wand to harm the others and he hated the idea.

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