Three Rooms

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And so, the days passed to the one when they had to get to the Gaunt House. Lily and Severus had to also give a good excuse to Mr. and Mrs. Evans to dress like crazy. It wasn't even Halloween to make oneself look absolutely ridiculous. They sighed.

Lily entered Severus room and broke out in a fit of laughter. She almost rolled on the floor, clutching her stomach that hurt from laughing so much.

"You... look-look, so... awful, Sev..." she came near to him and placed her hands on his shoulder before collapsing on the bed in another fit of laughter.

Severus for all this time, kept standing with his arms fold on his chest and rolling his eyes.

"Come on, now, Lily, you don't either look like Cinderella..."

Lily straightened and stood over the bed, pulling Severus close to herself, so that her forehead remained over his. "Oh, but you do make a good Prince Charming"

He blushed. "You are losing your head, Lily. I think we need some breakfast"

"Are you blushing?" she teased.

"NO!" he yelled, blushing even further.

She fixed her knees around his torso and he took her by her waist like that. She kissed him.

"Do you want me to take you downstairs like this?" he raised an eyebrow, mockingly.

"Fine, take me" she sucked on his jaw.

"LILY! Lily... No! We are going out now, and you are giving me bruises?!"

"That's called a love bite, Sev" she winked seductively.

He flustered. "Still not now... last time I had to hold my collar up to hide it"

"I had to do so too, so, I can also blame it on you"

"Then not now"

She huffed. "Fine. Get me down"

"Good" he loosened his grip and she was soon on the floor.

"You know, sometimes you are a spoil sport" Lily slumped and began to walk out of the room, before Severus pulled her to himself with her waist and kissed her neck from the side. She moaned.

"Am I now?"

"No. No, you are not" she rotated in his arms, so that she was face to face with him now.

"I see the change"

She kissed him. "You do now"

"But still no hickeys" he said seriously.

Lily shook her head soberly. "Definitely not" she said before kissing his jaw. "Just an innocent kiss"

Severus chuckled. "Yes, innocent"

"LILY!" a voice came from the hall. Petunia. "SEVERUS! Get down for Breakfast!"

"We need to get down now" Lily gave him a last kiss before parting away.

Severus looked at his neck in the mirror and tutted. "You did this to me, after all!"

She stuck her tongue out, teasingly and before slamming the door shut, said. "Get the foundation from my room, I stole it from Petunia"

He sighed and shook his head, before going to her room to get the foundation cream.

*Page Break*

"Why are you both trying to be jokers today?" Mrs. Evans raised an amused eyebrow.

Lily and Severus flushed. "We are not"

Petunia suppressed a giggle. "Well... your costumes tell that you are not"

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