It's Wrong!

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He groaned. The entire common room had been talking about the stupid, stupid Triwizard Tournament and who was going to participate. Hell... how much more did they have to discuss on that topic? Though most of the people from Slytherin in the name of self-preservation had already backed down. He was happy for that. At least his own house had the sense to conscience.

A slap landed on his back and he turned around. Parkinson. Severus raised an eyebrow but he merely sat on his side.

"So, after the entire fight with the headmaster thing, people are seeing you as the symbol of 'must save your own neck'" Parkinson said, smirking. "They are not embarrassed to back down because they would look coward"

Severus sighed. "We have brains and it's just good if we use them in something other than a death determining tournament" he rolled his eyes.

"You are right" he smiled. He was a year older to him but he had never actually made a real conversation with him.

"You weren't thinking of participating, were you?" he asked, narrowing his eyes.

He looked fazed. "Uh... No. I wasn't..."

He raised an eyebrow and Parkinson huffed.

"Fine. I did think about taking part but then after you making a point in it and trying to make everyone understand, I changed my plan"

"You don't have to follow my opinion, you, obviously, have your own choice" he informed. "And you are in the seventh year, obviously, more than sixteen"

He blushed. "Do you think I'll be able to, Severus?"

Severus shrugged. "Dumbledore himself said that he sees potential in our house, you'll be able to too"

"What do you think?"

Severus frowned. "Does my opinion matter to you?"

Parkinson blushed but hid it well with a shrug.

"A filthy half-blood's opinion matters to you?" Severus laughed a dry laugh.

"You are not filthy or useless. I never took you like that" he straightened his robes, to avoid making eye contact with Severus.

Severus gave him a scornful look. "Sure"

"You don't believe me? I never really approach you because you always had that air of danger around you" Parkinson muttered.

"Air of danger?" he laughed. "I don't deny that"

"Otherwise, I would have told you that..." he trailed off.

"Told me what?" Severus was interested in his fazed form now.

"Not now, but a point, yes and you have that Gryffindor... and-"

"What are you talking about?" Severus' impatience was growing.

"ThatIfanciedyou" he rushed.

Severus felt as if he was struck by a punch. "You what?" he breathed.

Parkinson sighed, trying to hide the color creeping up his neck. "I fancied you" he said clearly.

"I-I never knew. I don't even know your first name" Severus shrieked, not heeding the fact that he was sounding like Petunia.

Parkinson laughed. "It was just a schoolboy crush. I am over it"

"Right" Severus stared blankly. People actually fancied him?

"I know you are with that Gryffindor girl, now"

"Yeah... I mean-NO! No. We are not together" he stammered.

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