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A mouse came running from the library. Probably again sent on order to watch out for the details of the situation. It had to escape all the big feet of people while like this, but then it wasn't very different in the other form either. Cowering and hiding that's what it's been doing.

After a long run from the library to the Gryffindor tower, escaping every foot that comes in the way, it was now standing on its all fours in front of the entrance of the Gryffindor common room. Looking in all directions, staying away from people's detective and prying eyes, the snout changed into a small nose, the tail disappeared, the fur vanished and there a man stood where just a moment ago a mouse was.

He walked inside the common room to find his friends waiting for him in anticipation. He was liked to be felt worthy. People depending on him. He reached them and took a seat beside them.

"Wormtail! You are back!" the messy-black haired boy squeaked.

"Yeah... I am"

"So, what did you hear about Evans?" James looked the only person enthusiastic about Lily. Sirius wanted to know about what Snivellus was up to by hiding in his dorm for five days. And Remus sat with his nose buried in a book, though his full concentration was on the conversation. Even though he wasn't interested in the what spying Peter did, he did want to know what his friends would do.

Listening to James question everyone deflated except for him.

"Nothing much, James, only that Snape and Evans are not talking again" Peter said with a shrug.

"What?! They are not speaking? I knew this isn't going to last long." He banged a fist on the other palm in triumph.

"No, no. This isn't how you think it is. As much as I heard... Snape asked... Evans to not do something for... her safety but... she still did it and this made him mad... perhaps?" He tried to remember all the instances but it's so difficult to even hear the whole conversation when you are so small and have small ears.

"Snape is commanding her?" he asked with mock- disbelief. "She must be very angry with him"

Now how could Peter break this to him that Evans was worried sick for Snape? She wasn't angry even one bit. And then he asked it for her own safety.

"Probably asked to be with him" Sirius laughed. "It is perhaps safe for him but certainly dangerous for Evans"

"I believe you all must leave this alone. They are friends and can solve their matters themselves" Remus suggested without looking up from his book.

"Moony! He can harm Evans! Don't you see?" James insisted.

"If he is, I have faith in Lily that she will be able to handle the situation" he retorted.

"They were talking about one more thing" Peter said timidly, not wanting to disturb the heated conversation.

"And what will that be? Better be something about what these three slimy Slytherins are up to" Sirius sat up straight.

"Well... no... probably. But what happened is they- No, Evans saw something which... radiated something. It something... felt like dark magic. It was an object. And felt like living or something... I couldn't catch that very well" he reluctantly gave out which made no sense to him.

But it surely did make sense to James who palled visibly. Then he shook his head as to clear it all and looked away.

"Some garbage I'd say" Sirius gave a scornful look in the air. "Dark Magic" he muttered mockingly.

Remus stood up after he believed no planning is going to occur. "I have to go for my Prefect duties. I hope you wouldn't wander the castle today"

They nodded, all distracted by their own thoughts. Remus gave them the last glance and said "See you tomorrow morning, guys" before walking towards the exit.

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