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The morning felt pleasant for many, where some couldn't escape their growing grumpiness. People dressed in light Muggle or Wizard clothes were roaming around the halls, some smiling and some scowling.

"Mate, what is wrong with you?" Sirius was irritated by James. Why could he for once forget about Evans?

"He just winked at her" James stabbed a fork in his pancakes.

"So, what? You know they are together"

"You won't understand, Padfoot" James looked at him and despite of himself, he gave a smile. "You are getting what you want, anyways"

Sirius flushed red. "Whatever you are referring to"

"Yeah, yeah... mate. Sometimes I wonder if I know you better than you know yourself" Sirius looked confused, so James elaborated. "That, Padfoot, you could have been a bit more subtle" he chuckled.

Sirius tried to look stoic but failed miserably. "Uh... I don't- what... you see? -um... are you still going out with McDonalds?" he stuttered.

"Yes, just because you fixed it" James smiled.

Sirius breathed in relief. "Well, fine then"

*Page Break*

"You are looking too happy today, Mary" Lily observed.

"What? No. Nothing, I mean, yes, perhaps" Mary smiled nervously.

"Just tell her, Mary" Alice came and sat beside Lily on the Gryffindor table. "She is going out with Potter today, that's what got her so flustered and giddy"

"Huh? Potter's going out with you?" It was disbelieving but she asked with a smile, happy for her friend. "Good. He's moved on after all"

"Yeah... I guess but I don't think he'll like me" Mary fidgeted.

"Mary, you are an interesting person, I don't think he can resist you" Alice encouraged. "And then if you'll be a bit open and not fidget like now" she rolled her eyes.

"Yeah" then Mary looked at Lily. "I heard you are going out with Shane Singh, that Ravenclaw boy?"

Lily laughed. "Yes... but we are just friends and that day -you remember the letter- he wrote Love, Shane, it was just for fun, just to see how many girls in Gryffindor fancies him"

"Ha! There would be plenty" Alice chuckled then frowned. "Your and Snape's feud is over or not? Hmm?"

It caught Lily off guard. "Yes. We are friends once more" she smiled to herself. "But he is going out with Selene today" a tinge of jealousy evoked in her.

"Oh? Yeah, I can see that" Mary peered at the Slytherin table, where they both were trying to keep Charm's blabbers shut.

A wave of pleased sighs came up from the Gryffindor table, they turned their heads to see what was it. Well... not a surprise for all the sighs. Frank Longbottom stepped in the Great Hall and came towards them.

He came and leaned behind Alice and wrapped his arms loosely around her shoulders. She looked back and him smile grew. Another wave of rose but this time of grumbles from the girls and the boys when their lips met each other's. They pulled each other in a passionate kiss, which had to include the tongue. And in front of the entire Great Hall. Jealousy was thick in the air.

They pulled back looking pleased. Frank looked at them and smiled genially. "May I borrow your friend for today, ladies?"

Mary and Lily giggled. Lily raised a hand in giving a mock-permit and waved it. "Take her" she said seriously, though she was far from it.

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