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The Christmas Eve was magical even for the wizarding world, who lived under magic every day. Things happened that were pending for a very long time, and people were grateful that their wait ended. Well, more of it perhaps, only would have resulted in their deaths whose cause could only be blamed on the await.

Severus and Lily walked to the Ball room, together this time, an arm linked with the others. They kept themselves till one of the corner seats because what they saw amazed them. Hogwarts was changing... and acknowledging.

Many things happened together when they got there.

The dance that was going on was rotating partners and all of a sudden all of it came to be perfectly in order and with the people each one of them wanted to be with.

Sirius turned around and his face came face to face with Remus. They weren't very far apart, but whatever the space was between them was cancelled by Remus. Sirius, still seemed off his rockers had to do something crazy, so, he rolled his neon pink feather boa around both of them. But Remus didn't wait any more time. He got the inside werewolf of himself out and kissed Sirius.

Severus and Lily's breath hitched and their eyes widened.

Both Sirius and Remus rolled out of the circle where people were dancing and hastily hid behind a pillar, never breaking the kiss.

Severus and Lily laughed.

"Those two are crazy" he exclaimed.

"Sure, they are, but after all they acknowledged the fact..." she trailed off, and looked Severus straight in the eyes. "How long have you been in love with me?"

"How long do you think?"

She shrugged. "Shane told me on the last Hogsmeade visit of the fifth year"

Severus jerked his head. "Shane told you!?"

Lily bit her lower lip. That wasn't to be told. "Well, I got that out of him... so, it wasn't his mistake"

"And you still acted so normally? How?" he breathed and Lily chuckled.

"You do that too..." she trailed off. "How long have been in love with me?" she asked again.

He twirled his hands in his lap, nervously. "You don't want to know. You'll start seeing me as a creep"

She held his shoulder and made him look at her. "Since when?"

"Since the day I met you" he pronounced.

She gasped. "What?"

Severus shook his head and began to get up from the chair and leave. He shouldn't have told. "I-I am s-sorry. I'll leave-"

She didn't let him say any further or get up, as she hugged him tightly. Not wanting the very treasured person of her to get hurt in any way. How was she so blind for so long? How did he keep all of the feelings hidden? How would he have felt at the time of their fall out? He must have been deeply hurt and she wasn't the one to understand any of the feelings. He deserved so much more than she could ever be.

She sniffled on his shoulder, while he sat stunned and stiff. "You deserve so much more than me, Sev"

He brought his arms around her and closed his eyes, breathing in the air filled with the smell of her hair. "Why would you say that?"

"Because I never even saw your feelings. You loved me since then! Why?" she choked.

He rubbed the back of her head, resting his cheek above it. "Because you were the best person, I ever met... you weren't disgusted by me like anyone else... you made me feel wanted... you comforted me from my father... you studied with me... discussed the wizarding world... made me feel special... I had fun with you... pranked Petunia with me... did all kinds of stupidity we do when we were kids... you defended me to the entire school... to your own house, in fact... always tried to get me on the right path... gave a second chance... took me in your own home... gave me a place to live... loved me at least like a friend... made me come out of the shell and meet some very great new friends... was there beside me when my mum died... you didn't let me feel alone... I know you never left me, even you never voiced... and that I love you the most, even if you don't"

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