A break

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Days had passed after the day Severus had told Dumbledore all about the Horcruxes and their expeditions, but they were again at the same place. The Hospital Wing. Lily's birthday, the thirtieth of January had gone too. It was a Sunday, making them get a full day of relaxation. They had simply sat under the bright sun -that wasn't so bright- celebrating her seventeenth. Austin took them to the kitchen after doing that, where they had even gotten a small cake by the house-elves. Severus had gagged at the sweetness of the treat, the others on the other hand had enjoyed it.

Back to the hospital wing, they all sighed, waiting in a far corner where the sofa was kept. They'd been here for almost... Huh? Only fifteen minutes? They thought they had spent the entire eternity here. But it had been only fifteen minutes!

They weren't allowed inside... only Shane was. Fair enough, he was the other one to have made mistakes. He needed to be there, taking stress. But then anything was better than getting bored in the waiting area, even though, it was their own decision to sit there and provide some moral support. Dump moral support!

And as they were about to doze off, the curtains opened and Shane and Selene emerged.

That was the first time they noticed that Selene had started walking in a different way. Yes, it seemed weird on her for now. Damn, she was even getting fatter. It was a little evident from the uniform robes. Muggle clothes would have surely given her out. How much fat would she be until the end? Severus had never seen anyone actually pregnant so close to him. He never had a younger sibling to see his mother like that.

That confused him. Was Selene actually pregnant? Or was she making just hiding her lack of working-out sessions by the name of pregnancy? Stupid question. He knew. But who could stop that wretched tongue sometimes? His eyes widened. Had he actually spoken that out.

Well, a flying pillow in his face gave the answer.

He squeaked in surprise. "Stop throwing things in the Hospital Wing, Selene!" he yelled, partly to ask her not to and partly to just get that to Madam Pomfrey's notice.

The notice reached soon and Madam Pomfrey, with pursed lips and her hands on her hips glared at Selene. "I know you'd be frustrated by idiotic questions" -yes, that was directed towards Severus, making him flush red. It had just slipped out, for Merlin's sake. – "but that doesn't give you the reason to chuck things in my wing! Understood?"

Selene shifted, looking at her feet. "Sorry and yes, Madam Pomfrey"

"Good. Now, leave. This isn't a picnic spot!"

And they all gushed out of the wing to the library, Severus escaping three attempts from Selene, trying to make him fall.

They took the seats and Severus soon had the borders of Muffliato in place.

"I so much hope that you two have sex and you get pregnant, Severus... And I'll come ask all sorts of questions to you" Selene gave a sneer. Okay, she was actually pissed by the entire questioning thing by everyone who came in her way. They all had never dared to ask another question. Of course, who would after getting hexed by a very high-hormone-ed Selene.

Severus and Lily blushed. Well, Severus was red more. How would he get pregnant? Stupid demands Selene made. His eyes widened. But what if his internal organs had changed because of her magic. Damn! He had never hated magic this much. His hands straight away went to rub his lower abdomen. Even though, if he now, possessed a uterus and a set of ovaries... from where would he deliver the baby if he gets pregnant. Through the PENIS! NO WAY!

"What did you do to me!?"

Selene blinked a few times before smirking. He perhaps, took the false threat. "Just a little... put you in shape, Severus"

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