The Chambers

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They all had gathered where they had decided to, looking disappointed. What the fuck would they do now? The diary was with a person and they couldn't do a thing. What if the person gets possessed and have no one around them to help? That was good in a way, they wouldn't get the chance to harm someone. But what if they start harming themselves. Hell... they were panicking and getting on to nothing.

"Baron threatened to rip me chest apart if asked him one more question" Severus growled, glaring at the wall as if it was the wall's mistake that he wasn't successful. "Total waste of time!"

"Binns like always went into some boring theory. He had nothing important to tell" Selene glowered in irritation at the slight open door of the girl's lavatory in front of him.

"Fat Frier have no idea about this" Austin shrugged. He had at least tried.

"Nick said that this had happened where the Muggleborns were targeted and one had died. The roosters were dying, could have been a coincidence" Lily told them.

"The Grey Lady told me that the girl was a Ravenclaw and was a loner and was bullied" Shane supplied.

"Peeves said that the girl would always remain single and keep on wailing" Charm began. "He says he still teases and mocks her. And that could only mean..."

"That she is a ghost!" Selene kicked the lavatory door in her enthusiasm and fell to the ground taking the unhinged door below her. She fell on the door with a loud bang and groaned clutching her ribs and abdomen. They all jumped to help her.

"Spare us such spirits, Selene" Severus said dryly and rolled his eyes before helping her stand up straight.

"Are you fine?" Shane asked in concern grabbing on one of her arms, examining her.

She brushed her clothes and opened her mouth to speak but a loud wail cut her.

They all turned to the toilet and saw a silvery figure looming above their heads. It was of a girl with an acne-filled face and glasses.

"What are you all doing here? Came to mock the Moaning Myrtle?" she screeched making them all flinch.

Their eyes grew wide with realization. She was the girl who had died.

"Are you a Muggleborn?" Severus asked carefully, lest offend her in any way.

"Yes" she said politely, viewing him dreamily.

Shane stepped ahead making Myrtle gasp. All for a horny ghost. He smiled at her and spoke in a whisper, didn't want to make her feel dishonored.

"I was doing some research over the ghosts of our school. They all had a tragic death. I would like to hear from you how was yours, if you are comfortable, of course. I want all of you to be known for what have you been through"

Selene rolled her eyes and the others stood in utter shock. Shane had made that wailing and screeching ghost to blush. If ghosts could blush, that is.

"You want me to know how I died" Myrtle asked in a seductive voice, that was obviously far from it.

"Yes, Myrtle" Shane nodded.

"I was crying in a cubicle because Olive Hornby had made fun of me again about my glasses and how I looked. You don't mind it, do you?"

Shane smiled and shook his head. "Outer beauty is useless to me. You are beautiful from the inside"

Myrtle blushed again. "Then a voice came to me" She frowned in remembrance. "It was... kind of... I don't know how to explain it... a slither, perhaps?"

"A slither?" Severus prompted.

"That is what I remember. Then I saw something like... big yellow screen in front of me and I died" she said mournfully.

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