Chapter 49 Out of Spite

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A/N: People!
I know, I must have updated on Thursday but was a little busy with some things.
So, here it is...
(I still apologise for any change in any character description. Writing after a long time, makes me tend to forget how they would actually behave.)


CHAPTER 49 Out of Spite

'So... I see... my girlf- Fiancée was seducing Bennet...' Shane gave her an amused smirk.

'I... Can someone concentrate on what I have gotten instead of what I did to get that?!' she hissed in annoyance. Honestly, no one was even a bit appreciative of her dedication to the Mission.

'Well... that was quite... wait! Do all Slytherins have this tendency of... seducing?' Lily narrowed her eyes, making it evident that she was referring to something else.

'Anyways-' Severus tried to bury the topic, but to no avail.

'No, no, no! We'll listen to this first,' Charm perked up, almost jumping in her seat. 'Who other than Selene seduced whom?'

Severus held her hand and pulled her down on the chair again. 'Charm, you could sit down and concentrate on matters that are more pressing, right now,' he insisted.

She ignored him. 'Come on, Lily, spill some tea...'

Lily crossed her arms on her chest and leaned back in her chair, her eyes on Severus as he blushed under her gaze and looked away. 'Well... my Slytherin boyfriend has the same tendencies...'

'What?!' they all screeched as their heads jerked in his direction, making him flinch.

'What?' he asked back, trying to dissolve in the chair... or begging the floor to part and eat him.

'What did you do?' Austin asked, winking in his direction.

'Nothing,' he answered shortly.

'Kissed Myrtle...' Lily said casually and Severus closed his eyes for the next wave of drama that was about to hit him.

All of them exaggerated a gasp, though shock was evident on their faces. 'You kissed... Myrtle...!?' they whispered, accusingly. 'And you are still with him, Lily!'

Lily sighed and sat up straighter. 'Well... what will happen to this poor Slytherin if I am not there? Huh?'

Severus shifted uncomfortably under everyone's gaze. 'Well... I wasn't making out with her... I just had to be a ghost and I needed someone... and there was Myrtle... and I didn't know what to do and so... I kissed her... she liked it... I thought she'd do what I ask her to if I kiss her... and that is what happened. But I assure you, it wasn't pleasant and I am not going back there again...' he sucked in a deep breath after saying all of that.

'Wow...' Shane blinked. 'This elevated quite soon. Now, the next thing we'd know, is that Charm had gone to seduce Dumbledore for... something...'

Charm slid a book on the table forcefully, which hit him in his ribs making him yelp. 'Better?'

'That hurt, Charm!'

'Was meant to...' she crossed her arms on her chest. 'Anyways, as disgusting as Severus and Selene are'-

'Hey!' they protested.

But she continued – 'perhaps, we need to get back to what we were doing before Shane's ugly mind cooks up some more idiocy.'

'Come on, it was a joke.'

And... everyone ignored him. 'Now, we know, where the hill is and which Horcrux we'd find there...' Austin summarised.

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