Deal or Death

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The quill scratched on the paper forgetting it will scar the paper, but it was the way. The open window giving a path-way to whistling breezes, caressing his dark, soft hair. The tapping of the shoe could have infuriated any living being, but the small presence of nature in the place neglected it well. He sat in an ocean of open books and parchments sending the waves of old-booky smell of the library in the room. He sat in a chair of Lily's room with a forest-green t-shirt and black pants. They fit him and suited him.

Mr. Evans insisted on buying them, overlooking all his protests. He bought many more clothes for him. Severus knew it would have been costly but Mr. Evans' answer was always that 'it was nothing'. He even tried to pay back, but Mrs. Evans took offence of that and refused profusely. He sighed.

"Severus" a shout came from down the stairs, he flinched, not because of the shrillness -that was almost missing- but because of the suddenness. "Come downstairs, Lily found the movie"

"Coming" he called back, and regarded the mess around him. Lily was going to kill him if she watches what he had done of her study table. However, it was her new habit of blaming the mess on the table on him. He knew she never liked to clean up, though the dishes always went to her. He rolled his eyes.

"What movie are we watching?" he asked entering the living room.

Lily looked back. "If only I could call you mine"

For a second, he froze, wondering if it were the title or a genuine statement. He came to his senses soon, blushing at his imagination he cleared his throat. "Oh?" was all he could manage.

Lily smirked. Severus was adorable.

She started the movie and sat beside him, Petunia on the winged chair beside Lily.

The movie wasn't bad. Unlike its name it was quite thrilling and cryptic. Was keeping Severus on edge. Err... it had some extra effects on Lily, though. She was sitting on the edge of the sofa and her one hand gripping Severus' mid-thigh. She wasn't realizing it.

And Severus was worried about the hand lingering at the dangerous spot. He kept a constant eye on Lily's grip.

The footsteps moved closer and their echo could have been heard in the entire room. Who kept so high volume? The leather soles of the shoes clanked slowly on the wooden floor of an empty room. The person in the movie walked stealthily towards the door, coming nearer to the wall. And the door burst open.

Lily jumped and moved her hand to grip Severus' hand. But, well in the way her hand brushed more than a bit gently on his groin. Pictures ran through his mind. Severus closed his eyes, trying the control himself, but he realized that some parts of his anatomy are out of his command. The blood rushed south and he could feel the growing swelling of his manhood. His heart started beating faster and it took everything to stop his breath from hitching. He brushed Lily's hand away from his, to concentrate on not embarrassing himself now.

Lily looked at Severus, confused. His hands hid his face, but she could see the tense, creases on his face. His entire body seemed stiff. She frowned.

"Is everything alright, Sev?" she kept a hand on his knee, moving it round, making the situation worse.

Severus barely suppressed a moan, causing Lily to jerk the hand back.

"I'm fine" his voice was strained. "I'll be right back" he got up gently from the couch, a little bent, clutching the hem of his t-shirt and walked out of the room.

She looked at Petunia for a hint but she seemed too immersed in the movie, popping pop-corns in her mouth. The room was dark, perhaps, she hadn't noticed that Severus was behaving weird and just walked out.

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