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They sat in silence for a while, the only noises heard were their huffing and sighing. Obviously, they were bored. Shane groaned loudly then, and everyone eyes turned to him.

"Merry Christmas, guys" he said loudly. "Does no one remember it?!"

"Oh, yes... Merry Christmas to you all" Selene sat up straight and gave a small smile.

Lily and Severus spoke together. "Merry Christmas... I almost forgot" they looked at each other and chuckled.

"Merry Christmas!" Charm exclaimed and brought her trunk down from where she had kept it.

"Merry Christmas!" Austin grinned broadly.

Charm took some packets out and gave them to everyone. "Open up"

They were books, though, a little cheeky for the attempt.

Shane and Selene huffed and glared at her. "All you must know about Pregnancy! Honestly, Charm" Selene gave her a mock-disapproving look, while Shane just wrapped an arm around her shoulders.

"Thank you sounds better, doesn't it?" Charm winked cheekily.

"Thank you, Charm" they both mumbled.

"Ah... A book to know how to get better muscles. Actually, Charm, your stupidity overpowers my comprehension" Austin huffed, gaining a swat from her at the back of his head. "Thank you, by the way"

"Stop being a simp" Severus rolled his eyes. "Now, I totally agree with Austin" he high-fived him.

Charm simply smirked and motioned for Lily to open it. "He is right beside. It's a novel" Lily quirked her lips. "Does it have some smut, Charm?"

Charm's smirk just got longer. "It's from the wizarding world! What do you expect?"

"Well, then, thank you" Lily winked.

Charm huffed. She wanted to annoy her, but she wasn't able to. Dammit.

Austin took his gifts out and gave them to everyone.

Severus opened his. "Coffee candies. What all exists in this world? Thank you, Austin, it's so much better than a stupid book for simps" he spoke on Charm's face and threw one in his mouth, who just ignored him.

"Oh, thank you, Austin for French chocolates..." she trailed off and blushed. "Well, thank you" she took one in her mouth and raised her eyebrows. "I never knew, they tasted so delicious"

Austin smirked. Christmas existed to tease with gifts, didn't it?

"Ah... Cockroach clusters?" Lily looked at Austin. What was special in them, though, it was a huge pack?

"Eat them in front of your sister" he whispered giving Lily a knowing look that she totally understood. Annoying Petunia was one of her most favorite pass-times.

"Thank you" she winked and ate one just then.

"Non- morning sickness pops" Selene looked at him irritated, but that did no effect to him.

"Calm-yourself drops. I am not anxious, am I?" Shane scoffed, that in return got cheeky nods from everyone.

"My turn" Lily got her gifts out gave them.

"A cup!" Selene exclaimed and then slouched by seeing 'Mum' written on it, while there was 'Dad' written on Shane's. "Honestly, idiots, it's not even proved yet"

They suppressed their laughs, while Lily shrugged.

"It is a quidditch player" Austin blushed by looking at the zooming figure over his cup that dived in the cup after every thirty seconds. "Trust, you do something like this"

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