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A/N: People!!!Thank you for the votes on the last chapters.
Hope you enjoy these too.

All three of them, Lily, James and Sirius kept staring at him, unblinking. They didn't know what to say first as all their heads were filled with plenty of questions that they wished to ask. Severus sat with a sour but thoughtful expression gracing his face. He was taking all of his frustration on a torn centimeter of skin from the side of his thumb. It was paining but he wished more for it. He grabbed it pulled it at once, hissing at the stinging pain that laced his thumb.

Lily jumped towards him immediately, looking for the reason that had caused him pain. She held his bleeding thumb, gently, that was missing a large chunk of skin because of the force Severus used. She kept his thumb on her palm and curled her fingers around it tightly, keeping the blood from flowing out.

"All sorts of things you do..." she hissed at him, glaring.

He tried to take his hand back but she didn't allow him, glaring even more intensely than before. "Its not paining" he stated passively.

Her face changed into a cold one too. "I believe it was you hissed a moment ago"

"Leave my hand, Lily"

"I am not and stop being such a prat" she said in her growing frustration.

He answered in a thick voice. Getting sentimental for no reason this time. "Then why do you want to be with a prat?"

Lily rolled her eyes. "Because I love you, perhaps"

"Stop that" he kept staring at the grass beside his right thigh, not looking at her at all.

Lily frowned. "Stop what?"

"Simply leave me and go..." his lower lip trembled.

"Sev..." she sighed tiredly.

"What?" he asked in a pitiful whisper.

"I-" she began but was cut by people calling Severus' name from the back. They both turned to see Selene, Shane and Austin coming in their direction with faces etched with worry.

"You both are safe" Selene almost collapsed in relief after seeing their faces.

Lily shrugged and smiled innocently. "Well, yes, we are... thanks to Severus" she gave him a side-glance that he didn't catch as he was staring in his lap.

He turned sharply to Selene, startling everyone with his sudden movement. "There was an attack underwater, Selene. Just like the one that took place at Hogsmeade. Nothing explicit again. I am confident that it wasn't a part of the tournament... I believe the screen would have lost its visibility after the incident happened. It most probably was Raquel. And it is not just him, because there is one more student, from any house they could be, whom I saw from the common room's window. They ran just as I peeked in. There are more people in here who wants to cause harm, either to me... or to you all" he closed his mouth shut in such a rapid movement that it felt like he never opened it.

Selene blinked for a second, searching words. Though, Shane came out of the shock sooner.

"You, said that the student could be from any house, then why would they be in the Slytherin common room? I mean, they need to know the password"

Severus turned sharply to Shane and then to Sirius, whom he just realized was still sitting there. "Sirius, would you mind telling me what the Slytherins are obsessed with?"

Sirius looked at all of them one after the other, before keeping his face still at Severus. He shrugged. "Blood purity?"

"Very good. Now, what can the password of their common room be?"

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