School starts Again

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He had started liking the chirping of the birds in the morning, doesn't mean he liked the owls howling insanely at the pet shops. And the cats there. He scrunched his nose. Merlin saves him from them, they were disgusting. He would never know how Lily liked them?

Then the toads. He gagged. Why in the blazes would someone like to buy them? Those will hop all over you, in your school bag, in your food- Yuck!

"I don't think I'll be buying anything from here, now, Sev" Lily came into his view and readily walked himself out of the shop with her and took a deep fresh breath.

"Merlin. I would never go in there, again" Severus exclaimed, keeping a hand on his chest.

Lily laughed and rested one of her arms on his shoulder. "Perhaps, I make my mind for the next year, Sev. Then what'll you do?"

He gave her a disgusted look. "Then I'll surely carry a sense-numbing potion. Ears and nose"

She laughed again. Like bells ringing. Severus had always liked that sound. He smiled.

Severus staggered back by a sudden force. He moved his eyes to see what it was. He found an excited first year trying to get up from the ground. He sneered. Can't they just walk properly? Over-excited kids running for the first time Diagon Alley.

The boy's eyes fell on him and he burst into tears, instantly wiping the sneer from Severus' face, converting it to a look of confusion. Did he hurt him that badly?

The boy ran away and he followed his way by his eyes.

"I couldn't have hurt him that bad" he argued with himself.

"Just a little, small firstie colliding with an intimidating tall and brooding figure. Obviously, that wouldn't have given him the scare" Lily smirked.

He made an exasperated sound. "You ask me to clean your table all the time when you had dirtied it. I never saw you scaring out from me" He never wanted that either.

Lily chuckled. "No, that's for those tiny kids. You seem cute to me" she kissed his cheek.

He flushed red. Someone would go entirely senile, looking at how fast can he change emotions. He cleared his throat, raising the list of things they had to purchase. It was mostly Lily shopping, he already had everything. He just needed to get some new uniforms and... he squinted, bothered if he read it wrong.

"Dress robes?" He questioned. "What do we need those for?"

Lily peered in her list. "How am I supposed to know? We need to buy them if it's mentioned" she shrugged.

"No way I am wasting my money on this ridiculousness!" he exclaimed.

Lily smacked him on the ear. "If you won't, I'll buy them for you"

"Absolutely not" he scoffed.

"Fine. Then you are buying" she dismissed.

"Fine" he gave.

But she could do without knowing that he was quite good at illusion charms.

*Page Break*

"Faster, Lily, we are already... oh, we are really early"

"See, I told you"

She started moving along Severus, but turned once more and ran to her parents. She hugged them tightly, all of them in tears. They wouldn't meet her before Christmas. He smiled sadly.

He had given his goodbye and thank you, already. They had done so much for him, he would love to revert it to them someway, someday. He sighed and looked away, remembering his mother.

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