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The morning always came sooner than anticipated. And so, was the time for all of them to start the day again. Slytherins were up to get that doing. Some of them, directly went to the bathrooms to get ready and some stepped down to the common room, rubbing their eyes.

They gasped at the sight and took their wands out, instantly.

That woke Selene up. She stretched and pulled herself up, before noticing her positions and remembering the night. How foolish could she behave sometimes! She looked at the pointed wands and her eyes widened, as she grabbed Shane's arm tightly, waking him up.

"Avery" she breathed. "Wand away"

"What is this piece of scum doing here?" Avery waved his wand on Shane, scornfully.

"Why do you care?" she stood up, her arms folded on her chest, authoritatively.

Avery opened his mouth but Rosier was the one standing beside him who replied. "It's the Slytherin common room!" he yelled, attempting to call most the people down.

Selene's eyes blazed fire as many other students walked down and were shocked at Shane's presence.

Shane gulped at the number. "I'll leave"

"NO!" Selene ordered and he clamped his mouth shut. "What's your problem, Rosier? Huh? Did he harm you?"

Rosier swallowed looking around and then stood straighter. "He is a Ravenclaw and a Half-Blood! He mustn't be here!" he twisted his face when looked at Shane, as if he was a disgusting sock.

The bickering went on for a while, when Severus, getting annoyed by the shouts decided to come downstairs to see, what was going on. Almost his entire dormitory was there. Avery and Rosier were yelling in the very front with... Selene and Shane. Severus gave a huff. He had seen this coming, sooner or later.

Mulciber had his wand pointed, though, no courage to fire a single spell, rested on his facial emotions. He seemed to be just doing what was expected of him. He wasn't looking very sure of himself even.

And then at the end was Afroze, with his wand just out. It wasn't even pointed on anyone, though it seemed to have kept ready for a purpose. Severus had expected him to have spoken from Selene's side, but then, Selene, was with Shane, so, of course he must be feeling awkward. But perhaps, he would gather some courage and try to make peace showing his... wand skills. Who knew?

Severus had just reached the stairs when someone grabbed his hand. He sharply turned to see who it was and came face to face with a very worried looking... Barty Crouch Junior? Before this every time Severus had seen him, he kept his face so blank that a person would come the dilemma of him being alive or dead, leave alone the fact about showing any emotions.


Crouch Jr. looked around before looking at Severus straight in his eyes, as if begging him to Legilimize him. The intensity was even more than the last day. It again made Severus uneasy and he shifted uncomfortably and frowned. Why would he make such a request? What was wrong? He wouldn't just go and legilimize him because he could. Crouch Jr. hadn't even asked that verbally.

"What do you want, Crouch?" he whispered, knowing that Crouch Jr. had something secret to tell. "Do you want a better place to talk about... whatever you are here for?"

Crouch Jr. shook his head, violently, but still didn't speak anything. He looked around once more, assuring for something before opening his mouth. The moment he opened his mouth, his face fell blank again, as if all life left him.

Severus' eyes widened. Someone just did something to him. He looked around, but none seemed even a bit suspicious.

He shook Barty Crouch Jr.'s shoulders. "Barty? Barty, answer me?"

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