The Heartbreaking Kiss

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It was almost late evening and the weather was really chilly but disregarding all of it, they all were standing beside the lake looking at it. They all had their hands in the robe pockets and their ears covered with woolen caps. Their teeth chattered a little but who cares?

"Isn't it chilly?" Selene said through her chattering teeth.

Shane waved his wand to place the warming charm around her. "Obviously, it is. Only if someone listens to me"

"She won't die here, Shane" Austin rolled his eyes.

Shane flushed. "I was talking about all of us"

Charm snorted. "Yeah, Shane"

Severus was having the wildest ideas. "Wouldn't it be cool to jump up in the lake?"

The eyes of everyone widened with disbelief while Lily's narrowed.

"You just came out of a full-blown fever and again want to do something so stupid!" she yelled.

"First, I was just kidding and next... I had fever? When?"

"You don't remember?"

"How will I remember if you keep making it up" he snorted.

She smacked his hand. "You had a damn fever when you were at home"

He frowned deeply and turned fully to look at her. "I don't remember a single thing. Am I losing my head? W-What if I am about to die..."

"Shush, Severus" Lily laughed. "You had hundred and five Fahrenheit"

"SO MUCH!?" he practically yelled. "Now, I am surely losing my mind"

"Severus, we knew that you were under depression- if that's the right word" Selene shrugged.

"Oh... yes, I forgot..." things came back to his head. Obviously, he was grief-stricken. He turned to Lily again. "I am still amazed by the fact that you all tolerated me"

Lily looked offended. "Do you believe we don't love you enough to have left you?!"

Love. He smiled mentally before shaking it away. "You would not, I know, now"

"Good" she nodded stiffly.

They all stood in silence for a while before a bush that was far from them showed signs of weird movements. They all went extremely stiff for awhile observing the bush before looking at each other.

Selene took a step first before stopping and rolling her eyes by Shane's glare. He had started to be too protective of her and that was driving them bonkers.

Charm waved her wand that cut a part of the bush and fell on the ground. The movement stopped for a fraction of a second before starting again. Someone was definitely there.

The tip of a wand came into view and before thinking Severus whispered. "Expelliarmus" and the wand fell to the ground from an old hand. But as soon as it fell, it came to the hand again. Wandless magic.

They all almost ran to hide before a voice spoke up.

"No need" it was pleasant and cheerful.

A female chuckling voice then. "Kids"

Their jaws fell and they kept staring for a while. Dumbledore and McGonagall.

"Professors..." they breathed.

The professors laughed. "We were just picking up some ingredients for Horace but who knew we'll have the fortune to even meet some of our dear students" Dumbledore smiled and that is when they noticed a bag both in his and McGonagall's hands.

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